Step it up
Drug Effects
Recovery slogans
Bands in recovery
Famous People In Recovery

This step involves asking a higher power to remove short-comings

What is step 7? "Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings"


What is the name of the drug that comes from the opium poppy?

What is Heroin


It ______ if you _________

What is it works if you work it


How long does it take to break a habit

What is 90 days


This group helps Alcoholics

What is Alcoholics Anonymous 


What is a group of crows called 

What is a murder


This musician got sober after his bandmate died of heroin overdose. He is best known for giving it away now.

Who is Anthony Kiedis 


This Actor is a well-known actor and has starred in roles such as Iron Man and Sherlock Holmes.

Who is Robert Downey Jr


In this step, my list looked like this.... · Wanting things my way · Wanting special treatment · Wanting others to meet my needs

What is step 4? Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.


What is the chemical in cannabis that makes you feel “high” called?

What is THC


Progress not __________

What is Progress not perfection


What are the essentials of recovery?

What is willingness, honesty, and open mindedness 


An experienced member who guides newcomers through recovery.

What is a sponsor?


What is the most commercially successful horror movie of all time?

What is IT


The former Beatle has openly struggled with addiction and mental health issues. .

Who is Paul McCartney 


This famous actor for his roles in The Hangover and A Star is Born. He struggled with alcohol abuse, which progressively worsened during his rise to fame. 

Who is Bradley Cooper


I knew that my higher power could help me feel sane again.

What is step 2? "Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity"


This drug is usually prepared as a liquid, but is generally sold on small pieces of blotting paper known as tabs.

What is LSD 


If you sit in the ___________ long enough you'll eventually get a ___________

What is if you sit in the barber's chair long enough you'll eventually get a haircut. 


What is the `number one' offender?

What is Resentments 


Meetings are self-supporting through this.  

What are "our own contributions?  


What sort of mask does Michael Myers wear in the original Halloween?

What is a William Shatner mask that they spray-painted white. 


Known for his raw lyrics and powerful performances, this man has been sober for over a decade. He has been open about his struggles with addiction and how he was able to overcome it.

Who is eminem


Along with his wife, Kristen Bell. Over the last 16 years, the podcast host, comedian, and actor has been candid about his recovery journey from an addiction to cocaine and Jack Daniel’s.

What is Dax Shepard


In this step my list looked like this.... My Mom because I took money from her, My friend because I lied to her about everything, My boss because I didn't show up for the big presentation.

What is Step 8? "Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all "


What drug was first synthesised from ephedrine in 1918, and was also used during World War II?

What is Methamphetamine 


Don't quit ___________ before the miracle 

What is Don't quit 5 minutes before the miracle 


How many times more likely are men to be addicted to alcohol compared to women?

What is Twice as likely 


This step reveals character and your willingness to recover

What is Step 6


What horror movie was the first American film ever to show a toilet on screen?

What is Psycho.


She blew up after her hauntingly soulful song “Video Games” blew up on YouTube. Currently one of the number one musicians in the world. She used to have a serious issue drinking and using drugs. She entered her first rehab at just 14 years old. She is now sober and making some of the coolest, smoothest music of the 2000’s.   

Who is Lana Del Ray


She is a famous actress and musician, known best from her time on Disney. She entered rehab for the first time at seventeen years old due to cocaine addiction.

Who is Demi Lovato.


It's OK to say "I am wrong"

What is Step 7? "Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it"


What drug is a short-acting general anaesthetic for human and veterinary use?

What is Ketamine 


Take what ________ and ________ the rest

What is Take what you like and leave the rest


With regard to addiction, what are co-occurring disorders?

What is Mental health conditions that happen at the same time as addiction 


What is step 3?

Turning your life over to a higher power


In 2009, what became the first Morse code character to be added since WWII

The @ symbol


A legend amongst legends. She is one of the most successful rock stars of all time she has had one hell of a journey. After beating her addiction to cocaine in the ’80s, She got hooked on the prescription drug Klonopin. Her addiction was well known and widely covered. She kicked that habit in the mid-’90s and has been sober ever since. Not even a landslide can bring her down now.

Who is Stevie Nicks 


Six years after his mega-successful role as King Leonidas of Sparta in 300, this actor suffered an injury while filming the surfer movie Chasing Mavericks. After receiving a prescription for painkillers, he eventually became dependent on them.  

Who is Gerard Butler 
