Mountainous environments have much lower temperature due to...
A. wetlands and low elevation
B. Higher altitudes
C. Mountain receives very little rainfall.
A. wetlands and low elevation
What are the 3 main climate zones?
A. hot, cold, and humid
B. tropical, temperate, and polar
C. seasons, climate, precipitation
B. tropical, temperate, and polar
What type of precipitation occurs in the rainforest?
Jess built a sandbox for their child. They need to see hoe much sand is needed to fill in the sandbox. Which method can be used to find out how much sand they need?
A. Measuring tape to measure the volume of the box.
B. A balance scale to measure the mass of the sandbox.
A. Measuring tape to measure the volume of the box.
Which state of matter has a definite shape?
What is climate?
Is defined as a pattern of weather conditions that occur in area over many years.
Which continents can you find in the polar zone?
A. Antarctica and Alaska
B. Nassau and Jamaica
C. Europe and Asia
Europe and Asia
The rainforest and savana desert fall under what climate zone?
Tropical Climate
Which tool is used to describe how much matter is in an object?
A. Metric Rule
B. Balance Scale
C. Graduated Cylinder
B. Balance Scale
What is mass?
Does proximity to bodies of water such as lakes and ocean has a direct effect on temperature?
What climate zone is located between the two extremes of tropical heat and artic cold?
The climate determines what vegetation and animals will inhabit it. Plants and animals adapt to live in those climates.
That is why the polar bear lives in the...
Polar Climate Zone
" The grainy surface of the cement sidewalk."
What physical property can be used to describe the feeling?
What do we call these?
Graduated Cylinder or Beaker
This is an area of land that receives very little rainfall during the year. There is no moisture in the area and humidity is level is little to none.
A natural elevation of the Earth's surface usually with steep sides.
American Beaver has webbed feet, broad flat tail for swimming and waterproof coat.
Which environment is best for the beaver?
A. Tundra
B. Mountains
C. Swamp
D. Grassland
C. Swamp
What is volume?
The amount of space an objects takes up.
What unit is used to measure small amount of liquids?
For example: eyedrops, cough syrup , and antibiotics.
Milliliters or liters
A forested or shrub-filled wetland with low elevation and where water comes from surrounding rivers or lakes that have been flooded.
Name this character villain
What type of climate does the Tundra have?
Extremely cold climate throughout the year.
What do you call a bear with no teeth?
Gummy Bear
This state of matter is defined by the volume of its container and is only measured using specific formulas.