Double Jeopardy!
Answer this question correctly to win a SMARTS prize.
What is SMARTS color?
Your prize is a SMARTIVERSE poster.
The part of the violin bow that strikes the strings is called this
This type of dance originated in France and Russia.
The part of speech that indicates a person, place, thing, or idea is called this
Color is one of the seven elements of visual art. Name three more!
If these animals were a rhythm, how would we clap them? Dog rabbit alligator dog
ta titi titi ta
Lamban dance is from which continent?
When something unexpected happens in a story it can be called this
a twist
"Allie the alligator ate an apple" is an example of what type of figurative language?
Famous painter Giuseppe Arcimboldo created portraits of his subject's faces using this type of food.
Bollywood music originated in this country
Double Jeopardy!
Answer this question correctly to win a SMARTS prize!
Name the five SMARTS arts disciplines!
Visual art, music, dance, theater, and creative writing
Your prize is a SMARTIVERSE poster!
A twist in a story that involves something ordinary becoming the opposite is called this
The element of the story that refers the problem or conflict and the resolution.
This style of art began in the 1920s and focused on dreams and the mind using images in ways that are a departure from reality.
The acronymn BEST helps us remember these four elements of dance. What does BEST stand for?
Body, Energy, Space, Time
When a story is redone but is changed by adding twists it is called this
An adaptation
A haiku poem contains three lines. How many syllables are in each of the lines?
Line 1: 5 syllables
Line 2: 7 syllables
Line 3: 5 syllables