This man started with $6,000 and was able to reach $73 billion just from investing in stocks, making him one of the richest people in the world. What is his name?
Warren Buffet
This country consistently makes the most movies per year at 900-1000 released annually, mostly due to its Bollywood franchise, which accounts for 20 percent of the nation's movie production. What is this country's name?
In 1903, brothers Orville and Wilbur Wright made history in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina because of their successful test run of which transportation technology?
Rice is a very important cash crop in which continent, where 90 percent of the crop's world production comes from?
The Stonehenge is a series of standing rocks that was built around 3000-2000 BC and is known as an famous historical monument around the world. It is located in Wiltshire in which country?
The longest economic downturn in the Western world was caused by a stock market crash which wiped out millions of investors as the U.S. unemployment rate went up from 3 percent to 25 percent. What was this historical event called?
The Great Depression
This famous Austrian-born actor is known for his 1990s movies such as Predator, his early weightlifting career, and being the Governor of California for 8 years. What is his name?
Arnold Schwarzenegger
This item was invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876 and was showcased in the Paris World Fair that same year. The invention revolutionized communications between people. What is the invention called?
This mushroom is known for being expensive because of its unique taste and rarity; it is valued at about $1,200 per pound. What is its name?
Black truffle
The Colosseum is a famous, ancient building built of concrete and sand and is known for being broken on one side. It is also the largest amphitheater in the world. Where is it located?
This event in 2008 cost U.S. households an average of $5,800 as the the nation lost $3.4 in real estate wealth because of the failures of massive financial institutions. What is this event called?
The Crash of '08
This famous director is known for producing a duo of award-winning movies in 1994, Jurassic Park and Schindler's List. What is their name?
Steven Spielberg
Penicillin, an antibiotic that has saved 200 million people including Winston Churchill, was invented by whom?
Alexander Fleming
True or False? French fries were invented in Europe.
True (Belgium)
This city on the Yucatan peninsula in Mexico is a hot tourist spot because of its beaches and resorts, as well as its interesting history. What is this city's name?
Known as the biggest natural disaster in U.S. history, which event caused more than $100 billion in damage, and 250,000 jobs were lost and 150,000 houses were destroyed?
Hurricane Katrina
This movie, released in 2009, is the highest-grossing movie in the world at $2.7 billion, with more than $600,000 than second-place, Titanic. What is this movie called?
This dynasty in China, the country's second imperial dynasty, is known for their many inventions such as papyrus (paper), the wheelbarrow, and the compass, which made the period a golden age. What is the dynasty's name?
Han dynasty
This Mesoamerican dish is a mix of vegetables wrapped in a corn-flour dough and steamed in a cornhusk or banana leaf. What is it called?
This ancient location receives 300 million tourists per year because of its popularity and for being the only remaining ancient wonder of the world. What is it called?
Machu Picchu
Starting in 2005, these two countries began outsourcing the U.S. in "cheap labor" due to many technological advancements, as their economic growth rates shot up to 7-8 percent per year. Can you name both of them?
India and China
This person is an actor, singer, and musician, and is known for voice acting in Kung Fu Panda and acting in King Kong (2005) and Gulliver's Travels (2010). What is this person's name?
Jack Black
The camera was invented by Joseph Niepce, which was accomplished by projecting a pattern of light into a photographic plate. In which decade did this occur?
1820s (1827)
In which European country was the cinnamon roll (or as they call it in that country, the kanelbulle) invented?
This ancient location receives 300 million tourists per year because of its popularity and for being the only remaining ancient wonder of the world. What is it called?