More Inferences!
Big Money $$$
About Our School

Anna did not want to go, but Ginger was clearly very excited. It was rainy out, so Anna put on her raincoat and her rain boots while Ginger waited impatiently by the door. Finally, Anna grabbed the leash and out they went.

Who is Ginger?

Anna's dog


Ana and Sophie sat in their chairs staring straight ahead for nearly two hours. They did not talk or hardly even move, but they were not bored at all.

Where are Ana and Sophie?

At the movie theater


Mr. Arroyo bought a bag of Flamin' Hot Cheetos for $1.59 and a soda for $0.78. How much money did Mr. Arroyo spend on his snacks?



You're in line and other people are talking around you. What is the correct thing to do?

A) Shhh them

B) Ignore it and stay quiet

C) Yell at them to be quiet

D) Talk with them

B) Ignore it and stay quiet


What street is Dr. Nixon located on?

Loma Roja


“Oh no, my ring is missing” said Mom in dismay. “When did you have it last?” Dad asked. “Well,” replied Mom, “I took it off and put it by the sink while I was doing the dishes, but it isn’t there now.”

Where is Mom's ring?

In the drain


Splat! "Oh, rats!" thought Katie as she stooped to clean up the mess. "I hope we have another one." She looked in the fridge and pulled out the carton. One left! Breakfast wasn't ruined after all.

What did Katie drop?



Mrs. Cedillo bought a meal from Panda Express. The meal cost her $7.82. She paid with a $10 bill. How much change should Mrs. Cedillo receive?

Hint: Change the 10 into a 10.00 and be careful with regrouping!!!



You're on the playground and two of your friends are calling someone mean names. What should you do?

A) Join in because they're your friends

B) Ignore it

C) Tell the nearest adult

D) Push your friends and tell them to stop

C) Tell the nearest adult


About how long has Nixon Elementary been open?

A) 98 years

B) 17 years

C) 30 years

D) 54 years

C) 30 years 


Three-year old Emmy was crying and pointing to something in the sky. Mom looked up. “It’s okay, we can get you another one,” she said. “This time I’ll tie it to your wrist.”

Why is Emmy crying?

She lost her balloon


"Ouch!" Lucy had fallen again! She shivered and picked herself back up. Then she spotted her older sister Sarah, gliding backwards. She was so graceful. Sarah made everything look so easy.

What are the girls doing?

Ice skating


Ms. Woofter bought a Starbucks coffee for $5.87 and a breakfast sandwich for $4.39. She paid with a $20 bill. How much change should Ms. Woofter receive?

Hint: turn the 20 into 20.00 and be careful with regrouping!!!



You and your friends are playing basketball. The whistle blows. What should you do?

A) Call "last point wins" 

B) Keep playing until you see your class in line

C) Run to get water before you go in

D) Stop playing, put everything away, get in line

D) Stop playing, put everything away, get in line


Who was Nixon Elementary named after?

A) a lawyer

B) a president

C) a doctor

D) a basketball player

C) a doctor


“I hate this stuff,” Sophia complained during art class. “It gets all over everything and the top always gets clogged so it won’t come out.” “You can borrow mine, I have the stick kind.” Jake offered.

What are Sophia and Jake talking about?



Carlos looked down at the people far below. It was a little scary to be so high, but he knew he was safe. The sun felt hot. Carlos decided to buy a snow cone when he was on the ground again.

Where is Carlos?

On the ferris wheel (or another amusement park ride)


The school is buying backpacks for 32 students. If each backpack costs $17. How much will the school pay for the backpacks?



You see trash around your area, but it isn't yours. What should you do?

A) Pick it up because even if it's not your trash, it is your school

B) Ignore it because it's not yours

C) Leave it for the janitors

D) Throw it on the floor so nobody thinks it's yours

A) Pick it up because even if it's not your trash, it is your school


According to Rainbow Planet you should give three cheers for what?

The whole human race


Tommy looked at all the people on the other side of the bars. They were all watching him. Some of them waved or called out. Then he finished his banana and climbed higher in the tree.

Who is Tommy?

A monkey


Jenna went upstairs and quietly peeked into a dark room. She listened for a moment, and then went back downstairs. She washed the dinner dishes and then she studied for an Algebra test until Mr. and Mrs. Olson got home.

Who is Jenna?


The babysitter


The school paid $762 for lunches. If each lunch was $3, how many students ate lunch?

254 students

When is it ok to use your phone at school?

A) Before and after school

B) Anytime you're not in the classroom

C) At lunch

D) When you're off school property or if it's an emergency and a teacher allows you

D) When you're off school property or if it's an emergency and a teacher allows you


What does H.O.W.L. stand for?

Have pride, Own up, Work hard, Lend a paw
