She picked a delicious peach from the tree. Find the adjective in the sentence.
burn : fire as drown: ?
What two words are combined in the contraction, couldn't?
could not
The tortoise moved slowly down the path. What kind of sentence is this?
It's a declarative sentence.
the new coat belonging to Sharon (Give the possessive noun correctly).
Sharon's new coat
Were the musicians nervous after the concert began? Find the adjective.
What is nervous?
wind : kite as wave : ?
My team isn't going to the playoffs. Find the contraction.
Don't touch that red hot skillet. What kind of sentence is this?
It is an Imperative sentence.
You'd better button your lip. What does it mean? What FOS is it?
It means be quiet. It is an idiom.
Mary ate most of her salad, but left an orange slice. Find the Proper Noun.
Who is Mary?
hatred : violence as ? : destruction
tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, avalances
Joe does not have a ticket to the concert. Make the contraction & spell it.
Were the musicians nervous after the concert began? What sentence type is this?
It is an interrogative sentence.
Jon had to get a tetanus shot after he stepped on a rusty nail. What is the cause?
Jon stepped on a rusty nail.
Lou asked, Why doesn't he ever do any homework? What sentence type?
It is an interrogative sentence.
city : country as earth :
space or universe
What punctuation mark is used to form contractions?
What is an apostrophe?
When the ceremony ended, everyone celebrated. What sentence type?
This is a declarative sentence.
eggs belonging to the birds (Show the possessive noun)
bird's eggs
What an incredible backwards leap hurdle by Saquan!! What sentence type?
It is an exclamatory sentence.
turtle : slow as ? : fast
rabbit.roadrunner, horse, cheetah,
You won't get very far in life without respect. What two words are replaced by the contraction?
will not
Mary ate most of her salad, but left an orange slice. What sentence type?
This is a declarative sentence.
What is the relationship between generous and stingy?
The are antonyms. (opposites)