He was Joe's teacher last year. He shaves his head and wears bow ties. Joe calls him, "epic."
Who is Mr. Barnes?
This is a nickname Dillon calls Ravi.
What is curry head?
The room Ravi is in
What is room 506?
Ravi's word for "mother."
What is Amma?
The two reasons that Ravi thought (was certain) that he and Dillon were going to be friends.
What is Dillon was smiling and winking at Ravi?
Name of 2 students - First and last name who are Dillon wanna be's according to Ravi.
Who are Tom Dinkins and Keith Campbell?
When walking him back from class Mrs. Frost tells Ravi to remember what.
What are assumptions are often wrong?
This is the city and state where Save Me a Seat takes place.
What is Hamilton, New Jersey?
What Mrs. Frost and Joe work on to help him stay organized.
What is sequencing?
An Indian cookie Ravi's mother bakes for Mrs. Beam.
What are naan khatai?
She writes "Blonds have more fun."
Who is Lucy Mulligan?
Joe understands what quote from Mr Barnes, after receiving a letter from his dad.
What is "Writing can change the world."
South Indian city, capital of the Indian state of Karnataka, where Ravi's family used to live.
What is Bangalore?
The disability Joe has?
What is Auditory Processing Disorder -APD?
Both Ravi's and Joe's mother do this to make them feel better.
What is offer them food?
Name of Ravi's friend from India.
Who is Pramod?
What Ravi does before he answers a question at all times?
What is
1.Push up his glasses.
2.Rub his nose.
3.Sit down and fold my hands.
Ravi compares his being trapped in the resource room to who and what character.
What is Bud Caldwell trapped in a shed with angry bees? (pg. 80) From the book Bud Not Buddy.
A nickname for Mrs. Frost
Who is Moptop?
Ravi compared Dillon to what when he was so mean to him.
What is a Shakti Kapoor - Bollywood actor best know for playing a villain.
Ravi's Fourth Grade teacher at Vidya Mandir.
Who is Mrs. Arun?
The quote on Joe's card.
What is there is more to me than meets the eye?
Name of Ravi's school in India.
The meaning of the name.
What is Vidya Mandir? (Vid-yah Man-dur)
What is Temple of Knowledge
Advice that Mr. Barnes gave to Joe.
What is "The world is full of Dillon Sameens - you have to find a way to keep him from getting to you?"
Ravi said his 3 favorite subjects in school are.
What are Math, English and Sports - especially cricket.