who is Mrs.Beam
Joe's teacher
what is APD
Auditory Processing Disorder (witch means having trouble listening to others)
what is the name of Ravi and Joe's school
Albert Einstein Elementary School
What do the students call the teacher who came in to take BigFoot?
what does Ravi call his mom
what is assimilate
try to fit it
Where did Ravi move from
Why does Ravi think Dillon is his friend?
He winks at him
What does Ravi call his grandma
What is kleptomaniac
someone who steals stuff all the time
What is the state where the boys go to school
New Jersey
Why does BigFoot like to be in the resource room?
It's quiet and they get peanut M&M’s
Who gets in a lot of arguments
what is a tiffin box
steel box used to carry a school lunch or snack in
What is Ravis old school called?
Vidya Mandir
Why does Dillion get on the floor?
To help Ravi
Who is the main Character
to fit into a group
What is the Hollywood of India
What does Ravi want to show off?
His math skills