IWB is a bully transformed from a ```` into a chipmunk with full cheeks and peanuts on his boxers?
IWB does a boy say, "Here comes Mommy to save her little baby. Or maybe she needs to change his ```` ``````"?
poopy diaper
IWB does a mom blow a whistle in the cafeteria; she pushes through the crowd saying, "```` `` ``"?
Break it up
IWB does a character say, "Do you think I want to smell like you, `````?"
IWB is a boy surprised when he awakens at ```` on a school day; Dad's home?
IWB is the ```` and ```` the only thing a boy likes about Thursdays at school?
macaroni and cheese
IWB does a character realize his assignment is to bring in a personal reflection, not a personal ``````?
IWB does a boy tear up and say, "All of Perippa's hard work at the tea plantation was for nothing. I am a complete ````` in America"?
IWB does a character's usual breakfast consist of a smoothie and ```` bowls of Cheerios?
IWB is a character able to eat school lunch on Fridays because ```` is a vegetarian meal?
IWB does a bully's mom drive him to school in a black Mercedes with a vanity plate that says: ``` ````?
IWB does a boy shout, "Mom! ``` ``` ```? I said pop the trunk!"
Are you deaf
IWB does a large yellow star with a picture of a boy in the center start playing "```` ````"?
Ghetto Superstar
IWB did a teacher enjoy the cookies a student brought in for her but couldn't recognize the special spice, ````?
IWB does a character tell the teacher that his name means "``` ````"?
the sun
IWB does a student have a glass jar on his desk with ```` long, slimy, black leeches?
IWB does a grandfather say that they used to call leeches ````` in disguise?
IWB are ````` a reminder of who a family is, where they've come from, and what they've endured?
IWB is a Dillons sentence that accompanies his personal reflection object simply, "``` ````"?
I rule
IWB does a student pull a card out of a basket that reads, "````` is not an option"?
IWB does a nervous speaker fold his hands in front of the class as he learned in ````` class?
IWB does a student ask his class, "Have you ever been attacked by a ```` or a wild boar?"
IWB does a character tell his classmates that leeches can even crawl up your ````?
IWB is there a recipe for``` ``` and ``` ``` at the end of the book?
Apple Crisp and Naan Khatais
IWB is there a note left on a desk: "Beware! Do not touch the jar! `` ```"?
IWB does a character learn that winning is sometimes about sharing the light with someone who has been waiting in the ````` all along?
Trust me
IWB does a character read a card: "There's more to me than meets the````"?
IWB is a character happy to think that it's possible for a couple of ```` to outsmart a crocodile?