How many continents are there? >;)
Seven, of course.
Where do you figure skate?
Ice rink
WHich quanitifier is ALWAYS negative even though you think it isn't?
Too much / many
Collar bone and clavicle
What sport involves jumping off a spring board, doig flips in the air and landing in a pool?
What do we use to protect our teeth? Spell it.
When witing direct speech, what are these called ""?
Quotation marks
DAILY DOUBLE: What so we call the column of bones in your back (two versions necessary).
Backbone and spine
Name three sports I did all throughout my life.
Dance, swimming, field hockey, volleyball, competitive marathon running, yoga.
What is the stick called in golf?
What is this called (.)?
Period / full-stop
What do we call the part of the leg that has no muscle on the bone?
American version of athletics. Spell it.
Track and field
When can we use this (;)?
Connecting two related complete sentences.
What do we call the round bone on the knee?
What olympic sport involves sliding on a sled?
What part of the hand do boxing gloves protect?
What´s wrong with this sentence?
I had to fail him, because he was truly stupid.
No comma