Encounter / Culture Clash
When Cultures Meet
Dogs at Work
Angels in the Snow
Zlateh the Goat

The narrator is a _____ and said his dream was...

a (child, boy)

a warning


Christopher _______ sailed from ______ in search of...

Columbus, Spain, a trade route to Asia


Name one synonym for dogs mentioned in the reading!

Canine (K9), Pooch


What is the setting, and what is it like?

Aniak, Alaska is a small village of about 1,000 people!


Zlateh says...



Fill in the time expressions:

__ March, __ the 25th, I had breakfast __ 10:00 AM.

In March, on the 25th, I had breakfast at 10:00 AM.


What was the narrator's dream about?

He dreamt of three great-winged birds with teeth riding into their bay.


What did European settlers do to the buffalo?

They killed them for sport, often leaving them to rot.

They reduced a population of around 50 million to about 1,000, killing over 99% of all buffalo!


What do service animals do? 

What do they get in return?

Service dogs help people. 

They get love, food, shelter, and good care in return.


______ ______ was Aniak's fire _____ and the founder of the Dragon Slayers.

Pete Brown, fire chief


How does the family view Zlateh after she and Aaron returned?

She is a part of the family now.


Fill in the correct words:

We've got ____ juice, but we haven't got ____ glasses.

I'd like ____ juice! I have ____ glass here.

We've got some juice, but we haven't got any glasses.

I'd like some juice! I have a glass here.


What signs might have warned the native people that the strangers were not friendly?

How they looked at their gold, their cruel smiles and laughs, their weapons, the look in their eyes...


How did the Native Americans use the buffalo? Name three uses.

Food, clothing, shelter, tools, fuel, and medicine.


Why are dogs used as luggage inspectors? 

What is their job?

They are very good a smelling odors. 

They smell for drugs, bombs, food, and money.


Why are the Dragon Slayers are so important to their region?

The program provides extra help to an isolated area. 

It also provides opportunities for its members to go on to related careers.


What two reasons did Zlateh have for trusting people?

They always fed her and never did her any harm.


Correct the sentence:

Instrument I enjoy a most is a guitar.

The instrument I enjoy the most is the guitar.]


Encounter is historical _______ and Culture Clash is a history _______.

fiction, article

Native Americans introduced new things to the Europeans. Name two examples.

The crop corn (maize)

Hilling, a system for planting corn in rows of hills.

The Three Sisters, a system for planting corn, beans, and squash together.

The North American native animals, like wild turkey, elk, and buffalo.


Name five examples of dog jobs

(There are three in the book!)

Beagle Brigade, SAR dog, Service dog

Outside the text: therapy dog, CGI models, mayor, hunting dog, animal detectors...


How have the Dragon Slayers helped these volunteers with their future careers?

It has given the volunteers skills and opportunities which allows them to pursue related careers.


BONUS: Bet 400, 1,200, or 2,000!

How old am I?


Correct the sentence:

I have some chicken making a noise while I'm doing a work.

I have a chicken making (some) noise while I'm doing (some) work.


The Aztec capital city was called... and looked like...


It was a city build in the middle of a lake, with farms, pyramids, temples, canals, houses, and shops.


What was a problem from the European pigs?

They destroyed many native plants and animals.

They became over-populated and began to run wild.


BONUS: Bet 500, 1,000, or 2,000!

Where did I use to live?


What are the requirements to be a Dragon Slayer? Name three!

Attend 160 hrs of training, no drugs/alcohol/tobacco, be on call 24/7, maintain good grades, and meet for additional training.


Why did Aaron try to have a conversation with Zlateh?

He was lonely and wanted to talk to pass the time.


Correct the sentences:

_____ December, or three months _____, we have studied in SB-Shiny. ______ these three months, we have seen Ms. Macie ____ a week. ____ we are ___ ___ __ of the course!

Since December, or three months ago, we have studied in SB-Shiny. During these three months, we have seen Ms. Macie once a week. Now we are at the end of the course!


____ _____ invaded Tenochtitlan because he wanted the Aztec ____ and ____.

Hernan Cortes invaded Tenochtitlan because he wanted the Aztec land and gold.


What animals did the Europeans bring to the Americas? Name three (but NOT horses) and how they were used.

Goats and sheep were used for meat, milk, wool, and clothing.

Cows were used for meat, milk, farm work, and trading.

Pigs were used for meat and trading.


Why is it important for SAR dogs to like to play?

They will enjoy the task and complete it well to be rewarded.


Name two examples of what the Dragon Slayers did after they graduated high school.

Medic rescue swimmers, work in the Navy or Coast Guard, attend universities for medicine.


What three things did Zlateh provide for Aaron? 

Milk, warmth, comfort


Correct the sentence:

A French from the France often likes to drink the coffee in a morning.

The French from France often like to drink coffee in the morning.


How did the Spanish conquistadors defeat the Aztec?

Cortes kidnapped Montezuma; the Spanish fought in greater numbers with swords, cannons, and horses; smallpox unexpectedly infected the Aztec.


How did horses change the way of life for Native Americans? Name two examples.

Travel: Horses could travel further and carry heavier loads. This allowed new trade routes and places to live. 

Fighting: Horses allowed Native Americans to attack and retreat (leave) more quickly in battles.

Hunting: Horses allowed Native Americans to reach the buffalo quicker and carry more dead buffaloes back. 


Name three breeds of dogs mentioned in the text!

Beagles, German Shepherds, Labrador Retrievers, Border Collies!


Why are the missions the Dragon Slayers do so personal? 

How do they deal with difficult calls?

Since Aniak is so small, the Dragon Slayers often know the victims they are helping.

After difficult calls, they meet together, talk, hug, and go for a walk.


What was the Main Event, the Conflict, and Resolution of the story?

Main Event: They become lost in the blizzard.

Conflict: They must find shelter or die!

Resolution: They find shelter in the haystack, Zlateh keeps Aaron alive, and they return home safe.


Compare and contrast two animals from the readings. (dogs, horses, buffalo, goats, etc.)

Make 1-3 sentences using "both", "either", and "neither".

Both dogs and goats have fur.

Either animal can be eaten! 

Neither dogs nor goats can fly!


How did the Spanish and Aztec cultures blend to form Mexican culture? Name two examples.

Dia de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead, combined All Saints Day and Aztec rituals for their ancestors. 

Tacos combined corn from the Aztec and cheese and beef from the Spanish.


Horses changed Native Americans' way of life. This resulted in more free time... to do what? Name three examples.

Women spent more time on sewing ceremonial costumes.

Some men began raiding other groups for horses and supplies.

Some groups migrated further west. 

Some groups continued to farm or quit farming.


Name five things service dogs are trained to do!

Open / close doors

Turn light switches on / off

Pick up dropped objects

Pull wheelchairs

Picking up telephones

Providing companionship


How do the Dragon Slayers compare to EMS teams in big cites? Name the similarities and differences.

Similar: quality of care, professionalism

Different: The areas they serve are remote and lack infrastructure (ex: bridges). 

They must use specialized vehicles need to be used to reach certain locations.


What is the theme of the story?

Animals can protect/rescue humans and can be a member of the family.


Tell us more about Native Americans and horses!

Make 1-3 sentences using "all", "some", and "no/none".

All Native Americans were affected by the Europeans coming to the Americas.

Some of the Native Americans learned to ride horses from the Europeans.

None of the horses were originally were from North America.
