Performance Task
Testing Strategies
Important Test Words You Might See!

What are the 3 possible genres for the Performance Task?

Narrative, Informational, Opinion


What is process of elimination? Why is it important?

Process of elimination is when you decide and cross out all the wrong answers before choosing the right one. Process of elimination can turn a 1/4 chance of getting the right answer into a 1/2!


What is "theme"?

Theme is the overall lesson of the text? Sometimes it will be stated as a lesson ("Vainity can be dangerous") or sometimes it will be only a single word ("Vainity")


What is the first thing we should do when begin the Performance Task?

Read the questions first, so you know what to take notes on and what to pay extra attention to!


What should you do before you read the passage(s) in the multiple choice?

Read the questions and answers so you know what to look for?


What does it mean to "infer"?

Infer means an educated guess based on what you learned from the text. If Jendry is wearing a 49ers beanie, but he's never told me he likes the 49ers, I can INFER that he likes the 49ers based off of his beanie!


What note-taking structure should we draw on our blank piece of paper for our reading notes?

Boxes and Bullets! Boxes = source number (Source 1), Bullets = Important evidence to use in our answers


If you become nervous or stressed, what can you do to relax? (Bonus points for the 4 - 3 - 2 -1 method!)

Breath, positive self talk.

4 tiny things you can see, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can feel, 1 thing you can smell


What is an "opinion"?

Opinion is a statement about beliefs, not facts. Opinions can be right or wrong, facts can not. 

Fact: The sky is blue

Opinion: Blue is the prettiest color

What 2 different outline structures can we use for our big, multi paragraph writing? (Hint: Narrative has its own, Informational/Opinion have the same)

Narrative = Story boxes with Setting, Characters, Point of View, Problem, and Solution (and drawings in each box!)

Information/Opinion = Boxes and bullets, Boxes = topic sentence for the paragraph, Bullets = Evidence sentences


True of false: all questions will have only one answer.

Some questions have a part A and part B, and some questions want us to select more than one (sometimes 2, sometimes 3) answers!


What does it mean to "summarize"?

"Summarize" is related to summary. It means to retell a story or an event in your own words. 

What does CUPS stand for? Why should we check CUPS after each sentnece we write?

C= Capitals?, U= Understand?, P = Punctuation?, S= Spelling?

A big part of your grade is based on grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling!


Name three things we have done to prepare for this test.

1) Practice performance writing tasks

2) UFLI practice to make us better/quicker readers

3) Listening test practice on whiteboards AND computers

And many more! How many can you name?


What is Point of View? What is the difference between 1st person and 3rd person point of view?

Point of view is the perspective through which the story is told. 1st person is told by a character in the story using "I" statements. 3rd person is told by a narrator not in the story

1st: "My name is Minli, and I am on a journey to bring my family fortune!"

3rd: "Her name was Minli, and she was on a journey to bring her family fortune"
