Citing Evidence
Main Idea
Making Inferences
Summarizing Text
Anything Goes

(1) The liger is a hybrid offspring of a male lion and a female tiger. (2) The liger has parents in the same genus, but of different species. (3) The liger is distinct from the similar hybrid tigon, and is the largest of all known extant felines. (4) They enjoy swimming, which is a characteristic of tigers, and are very sociable like lions. (5) Notably, ligers typically grow larger than either parent species, unlike tigons

Which sentence provides information about the conduct of a liger?

Sentence 4

(4) They enjoy swimming, which is a characteristic of tigers, and are very sociable like lions.


A Slinky is a toy that consists of a pre-compressed helical spring. It was invented by Richard James in the early 1940s. It can perform a number of tricks, including travelling down a flight of steps end-over-end as it stretches and re-forms itself with the aid of gravity and its own momentum, or appearing to levitate for a period of time after it has been dropped. These interesting characteristics have contributed not only to its success as a toy in its home country of the United States, but also in other countries as well.  

What is the central idea of this text?

A.  The slinky was invented in the 1940s.

B.  The slinky is a versatile toy with worldwide popularity.  

C.  The slinky is able to go down stairs  and reform itself.  

D.  The slinky is popular in the United States and other countries.

B.  The slinky is a versatile toy with worldwide popularity.


Janey turned on Wink News.  The weatherman forecasted an 80% chance of thunderstorms.  

It can be inferred that –
A.  it will rain today.
B.  there is a 20% chance of sleet only.  
C.  bringing an umbrella would be a good idea.
D.  all after-school sports will be cancelled.  

C.  bringing an umbrella would be a good idea.

A.  it will rain today.  (there is still a chance it won’t rain)

B.  there is a 20% chance of sleet only. (sleet wasn’t mentioned)

C.  bringing an umbrella would be a good idea. yes

D.  all after-school sports will be cancelled.  (some games could be indoors)


It’s the classic home buyer’s conundrum: Should we build a new home, or buy an existing home? Each option has its pros and cons. For instance, building a house from the ground up will give you the floor plan you want, but it will take months to construct. If you buy an existing home, you might have to compromise on the floor plan, but you’ll get to move in right after you close!

Which is an objective summary of why people shouldn’t build a new home?

A.  They can’t choose their own floor plan.

B.  They won’t be able to afford the monthly payments.

C.  Building a home is very time consuming.  

D.  Building a home is too stressful. 

C. Building a home is very time consuming.

A.  They can’t choose their own floor plan.

      (This applies to existing homes.)

B.  They won’t be able to afford the monthly payments. (opinion – not objective)

C.  Building a home is very time consuming.  

(Yes – “… it will take months to construct.”)

D.  Building a home is too stressful.  

(opinion – not objective)


What do you call the first element of plot, that introduces the characters and establishes the setting?

The exposition


(1) Ken looked curiously at Ronald, then figured out what he was doing. (2) Ronald couldn’t find his new iPhone.  
(3) He searched all over his house, but to no avail.  

(4) “Ken, lend me your phone for the night. (5) I’m going out.”

(6) Ken hesitated.  (7) “Sure Ronald, I think it is upstairs.”

(8) “Much obliged,” said Ronald.

Which sentence suggests that Ken does not want to lend his phone?

Sentence 6

(6) Ken hesitated.


Angie slipped the candy bar into her pocket, and attempted to sneak out of the candy store.  She was stopped before she even got outside.  The owner called the police.  Although no charges were filed against her, the experience was terrifying.  She felt horrible about her behavior, and never stole anything again.  

Which is the theme?

A.  Stealing

B.  A girl tried to steal a candy bar.  

C.  Crime doesn’t pay.

D.  Candy is very tempting.

C.  Crime doesn’t pay.


Jenna decided against the local library for her Shakespeare research, and boarded the bus for Baltimore University Library.  This library boasts 40 million volumes.  Jenna hopes she has enough time to complete her research.  

It can be inferred that –

A.  the library will probably be closed when she arrives.

B.  the library has a copy of Romeo and Juliet in circulation.

C.  Jenna will be able to check out a copy of MacBeth.

D.  Jenna will complete all of her research before the library closes.

B. the library has a copy of Romeo and Juliet in circulation.

A.  the library will probably be closed when she arrives. (There is no evidence that Jenna would arrive this late)
B.  the library has a copy of Romeo and Juliet in circulation.

(Yes.  There are over 40 million volumes, so Romeo and Juliet is mostly likely a book they have in circulation.)

C.  Jenna will be able to check out a copy of MacBeth. (Even though there are over 40 million volumes, MacBeth is a popular book, so it may be in circulation, but not available to check out.)

D.  Jenna will complete all of her research before the library closes.  (Jenna herself even worries that she won’t have enough time.)


Thinking about getting a large dog such as a Great Dane or a German shepherd to protect your residence? Or do you believe that an alarm system will give you better protection? While dogs are certainly beneficial for both companionship and protection, they're not a viable replacement for a monitored home security system installed in your home.  Dogs are often difficult to train.  Also, if you are away on vacation, chances are your dog will be in a kennel, not defending your home.  The choice is ultimately yours, however.  

Which summarizes how the author feels about this issue?

A. He is unsure how to feel about the issue.

B. He believes a dog is a greater defense against a robber.

C. He thinks the alarm system is the better option.

D. He thinks it depends on the breed of dog purchased.

C. He thinks the alarm system is the better option.


Which point of view uses the pronouns “he” and “she”?

3rd person


(1) A lot can happen in 40 years. (2) But when it comes to technology, 40 years is like going back to the days of Moses or the Roman Empire. (3) Case in point: the mobile phone –and, more recently, the rise of mobile internet communications, social networks and super-fast internet. (4) But what were the phones that made it happen; who were the pioneering brands that made today's handsets possible; and which phone, out of the thousands launched since the 1980s, was the most important? (5) Answer: quite a few.

Which sentence contains a historical allusion?  

Sentence 2

(2) But when it comes to technology, 40 years is like going back to the days of Moses or the Roman Empire.


(1) The 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution granted American women the right to vote on August 18, 1920.
(2) This right was known as women’s suffrage. (3) It ended almost a century of protest. (4) In 1848, the movement for women’s rights launched on a national level with the Seneca Falls Convention organized by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott. (5)Following the convention, the demand for the vote became a centerpiece of the women’s rights movement. 

Which sentence BEST supports  the central idea, which is that women’s suffrage was a difficult battle to win?

Sentence 3

(3) It ended almost a century of protest.


Robert woke up with a sore throat and runny nose.

It can be inferred that –

A.  Robert will probably stay home from school.

B.  Robert will probably take antibiotics.

C.  Robert is probably allergic to flowers.

D.  Robert probably caught a cold.

D. Robert probably caught a cold.

A.  Robert will probably stay home from school. (It could be Saturday, Sunday, or vacation time.)

B.  Robert will probably take antibiotics.  (Antibiotics are for major illnesses or infections.)

C.  Robert is probably allergic to flowers.  (There is no indication of flowers in his room, or a known allergy.)

D.  Robert probably caught a cold. (Yes.  These are signs of a cold.)


“A shirt, tie, and blazer may not be the perfect ingredients for my favorite outfit, but I wouldn’t throw away the idea of school uniforms. Wearing a uniform is a badge of pride, and creates an identity for a school. Uniforms show that you are part of the school. Wearing it says we’re all in this together,” Jason Wing, student at Wade academy in California, says. “Also, if you wear your uniform with pride, it means you are half-way there to being respectful, and buying into what the school is all about.’’

Which summarizes how Jason Wing feels about this issue?
A.  He hates wearing shirts and ties, and wishes the policy would change.

B.  Although he dislikes shirts and ties, he is in favor of the pride  that comes with wearing a school uniform.

C.  Although he doesn’t like his school uniform, he will work with the school to design one that everyone will be proud to wear.

B.  Although he dislikes shirts and ties, he is in favor of the pride  that comes with wearing a school uniform.


Twenty years ago, replacing typewriters with computers was thought of as a sagacious idea because computers made typing, editing, and proofreading much easier. 

What does “sagacious” mean?

A.  Ridiculous

B.  Weak

C.  Wise

D.  Controversial 

C.  Wise


(1) Woodpeckers are part of the family Picidae, a group of near-passerine birds. (2) The family Picidae includes about 240 species arranged in 35 genera. (3) Woodpeckers are found worldwide. (4) Most species live in forests or woodland habitats. (5) They mostly forage for insect prey on the trunks and branches of trees. (6) They come in a variety of colors and sizes.

Which sentence provides information about the conduct of woodpeckers?

Sentence 5

(5) They mostly forage for insect prey on the trunks and branches of trees.


Bonsai is a Japanese art form using cultivation techniques to produce small trees in containers that mimic the shape and scale of full size trees.  This Japanese tradition dates back over a thousand years. The purposes of bonsai is primarily contemplation for the viewer, and the pleasant exercise of effort and ingenuity for the grower. By contrast with other plant cultivation practices, bonsai are not intended for production of food or for medicine. Instead, bonsai practice focuses on long-term cultivation and shaping of one or more small trees growing in a container.

Which are the TWO central ideas for this text?

A.  People have been growing bonsai trees for thousands of years.

B.  Bonsai is the art of cultivating miniature trees.

C.  Bonsai are grown for pleasure, rather than need.

D.  People need to study for many years to learn the bonsai technique.

B and C

B.  Bonsai is the art of cultivating miniature trees.

C.  Bonsai are grown for pleasure, rather than need.


Marcus checked the list in the hallway.  He walked home with tears in his eyes.  He pushed past his brother and went straight to his room.  The well-used basketball in his garage remained motionless.  He was so upset that even his video games didn’t give him refuge.  

It can be inferred that that –

A.  Marcus failed a math test.

B.  Marcus didn’t make the basketball team.

C.  Marcus couldn’t find his favorite video game.

D.  Marcus was angry at his brother.

B. Marcus didn’t make the basketball team.


Marcus checked the list in the hallway.

The well-used basketball in his garage remained motionless.


October arrived, spreading a damp chill over the grounds and into the castle. Madam Pomfrey, the nurse, was kept busy by a sudden spate of colds among the staff and students. Her Pepperup potion worked instantly, though it left the drinker smoking at the ears for several hours afterward. Ginny Weasley, who had been looking pale, was bullied into taking some by Percy. The steam pouring from under her vivid hair gave the impression that her whole head was on fire.

Which summarizes how Ginny Weasley felt about the potion?
A.  She was reluctant to take it.
B.  She was glad it made her feel better.
C.  She was scared that her ears would smoke.
D.  She was feeling hot from her “vivid hair”.

A. She was reluctant to take it.

“Ginny Weasley, who had been looking pale, was bullied into taking some by Percy.”


What do you call a paragraph in poetry?

A stanza


(1) Jennifer added another dish to the stack in the sink.  (2) She left the door unlocked, and forgot to pull down the shades.  (3) She neglected to turn off the lights, and left the television on.  (4) She even left an open box of cookies on the couch.  (5) When Jennifer’s mother came home she looked around and yelled, “Jennifer, do you own stock in the electric company?!”

Which sentence provides information about what Jennifer’s mother was MOST upset about?  

A.  (1)        B. (2)        C. (3)       D. (4)

C. (3)

(3) She neglected to turn off the lights, and left the television on.

Her mother was using sarcasm to let Jennifer know that she should have turned off the lights and television.  


Located about 25 miles south of Fort Myers, Florida's family-friendly Sanibel Island draws vacationers looking for beautiful beaches and opportunities to explore the area's rich ecosystem.  The sandy beaches offer relaxation and the opportunity to collect unique seashells.  The island itself is a refuge to many forms of wildlife. You may even see bobcats, alligators and river otters patrolling the mangroves while on a guided tour.

Which are the TWO central ideas for this text?
A.  People visit Sanibel Island for the beautiful beaches.
B.  Sanibel Island is located 25 miles away from Fort Myers.
C.  People visit Sanibel Island to explore the wildlife.
D.  Alligators can be seen on a tour of Sanibel Island.  

A and C

A.  People visit Sanibel Island for the beautiful beaches.

C.  People visit Sanibel Island to explore the wildlife. 



The students walked down the hallway into their classroom.  Jennifer was full from eating three pieces of pizza for lunch.  As they took their seats, the teacher instructed them to clear their desks, and take out a sheet of paper.  Jimmy groaned when he heard the instructions.  The rest of the class was silent.

It can be inferred that that –
A.  Jenna won’t order the pizza again.
B.  The students were being punished for being noisy.
C.  Jimmy is feeling very sick.  
D.  The students will be taking a test soon.

D. The students will be taking a test soon.


As they took their seats, the teacher instructed them to clear their desks, and take out a sheet of paper.  Jimmy groaned when he heard the instructions.


All summer, Jess pushes himself to be the fastest boy in the fifth grade, running mile after hilly mile on the family farm. When the year's first schoolyard race is run, his victory is stolen by a new girl who doesn't even know enough to stay off the boys' side of the playground. But instead of becoming rivals, they become friends. Jess guides Leslie, the city girl, through life in the country, and she draws him into the imaginary world of Terabithia. Here, Leslie and Jess are safe from bullies and ridicule.

Which BEST summarizes Leslie’s personality?

A.  She is a country girl at heart, and loves to read.
B.  She likes to ridicule people, but is also a good friend.  
C.  She is very athletic, and has a great imagination.  
D.  She hates bullies, but wants to teach them how to be nice.

C.  She is very athletic, and has a great imagination.


During which element of plot would you first be able to predict the outcome of the conflict?

