Should I use scratch paper to work out the math problems?
YES! It is VERY important that you work out the math problems on paper.
When answering a written-response question, what strategy do I need to use to get FULL points?
RACE Method
What do you do with your cell phone during testing?
Your cell phone MUST be turned completely OFF and in your backpack during testing. You may NOT access it at any time or your test will be INVALIDATED.
How long will each test take?
Most test take 1 1/2 hours (90 minutes) to complete. Be prepared to test for no less than 1 hour per test. If you are finished before 1 hour, this means you probably did not take your time, so go back and check your work!
Working out the problems allows you to think through each step and help you find the correct answer.
What is the R in RACE Method stand for?
RESTATE - Restate the question as the beginning of your answer:
What color is the sky?
The color of the sky is blue.
Can I go to the bathroom during testing?
We will take a bathroom break before testing!
What are we going to do before testing, if it starts after specials?
From 8:00-8:50, we will play review games.
When answering a reading question, what should you ALWAYS do?
You should ALWAYS go back into the text to find evidence for your answer.
What is the A in RACE Method stand for?
ANSWER the question correctly. Be specific and direct with the words you choose for your answer.
What will I do after I am done with testing, but there are still other students testing?
The ONLY activities you may do after you are done testing are: read silently, or put your head down.
What are we going to do after testing, if it ends at 12:00?
Lunch is still from 12:00-12:30.
Recess/Brain Break from 12:30 - 1:00.
Read Aloud from 1:00 - 1:20
Then from 1:20 - 1:50, you will work on independent assignments.
What is the highlighting tool on the SBAC test for?
Use the highlighting tool to identify evidence for your answer.
Identify key ideas or important information in the text. (Repeated words or ideas)
What does the C in RACE Method stand for?
CITE EVIDENCE - GO back into the text and find specific evidence for your answer.
Your evidence should be a phrase or no more than 1-2 sentences max that proves your answer is correct.
Can I take an "eye" or "brain" break from the test even if I'm not finished with it yet?
You may take a break to rest your eyes for only a few (1-3) minutes. Raise your hand and ask permission from your teacher first. Then you must click the Pause button at the bottom of the screen.
Why is my SBAC score so important?
How you do on the 4th grade SBAC will determine where they place you in middle school and your eligibility for magnet or accelerated programs.
It will also help your teachers get an understanding of what you know so they can prepare to teach you better in the future.
What do I use this scratch paper for on the reading test?
Use scratch paper for the reading test to write notes - key ideas, repeated information or words.
Create Thinking Maps to organize information from the text to help your understanding.
What does the E in RACE Method stand for?
EXPLAIN - Explain how the evidence you chose from the text proves your answer to be correct.
When I'm done with my test, can I click "End Test" button?
When you are finished with your test, you must raise your hand and wait for your teacher to come to you. She will check your completion and if it's ok, then she will give you permission to click "End Test."
If I'm in distance learning, do I have to stay for the rest of the school day?
You may stay for the rest of the day (we'd love to have you stay!!) or your parents can pick you up after testing, around 11:45 or 12 noon.