Border hoarder
The Beatles
It's all about "you"
Assassin passion
Foreign language words

Nebraska, Missouri, Oklahoma and Colorado border and landlock this Midwestern state that was admitted to the Union in 1861.

What is Kansas?


Following John Lennon and his wife Cynthia's divorce due to Lennon's affair with Yoko Ono, McCartney composed this song for Lennon's 5-year-old son Julian to comfort him from the stress of his parents' separation.

What is "Hey Jude"?


An athlete usually undergoes this type of trial in order to make a sport team at school, university or sometimes even professionally.

What is a tryout?


At 12:30 pm on November 22nd 1963, from a window on the sixth floor of the Texas Depository building, this man, using a mail-order rifle, allegedly fired three shots that killed a US President in an open-car motorcade in Dealey Plaza, Dallas.

Who is Lee Harvey Oswald?


The genesis of this popular spirit is originally a Scottish term meaning "water of life."

What is whiskey?


Also known as the sakura, these flowers that bloom en masse have been described as having a vanilla-like smell, which is mainly attributed to coumarin.

What is cherry blossom?


The birthplace of Gautama Buddha, this Asian nation mainly sits in the Himalayan mountain chain and is bordered by China and India.

What is Nepal?


In February of 1964, The Beatles performed on this American variety show. Viewed by approximately 73 million viewers in over 23 million households, it was their first appearance on American television.

What is The Ed Sullivan Show?


It's a bit difficult to specify when it begins and ends, but it's commonly referred to as the period between childhood and adult age.

What is youth?


Following the assassination of American President William McKinley in 1901, Congress directed this agency to protect the President as part of its mandate.

What is the Secret Service?


This small, prune fruit – originally cultivated in China and Central Asia – made it's way west and gained the name al-barqūq in Arabic. The Arabs in Spain turned it into albaricoque before it made its way to France where the English created their term for it.

What is an apricot?


The domestic version of this flower possesses a single large head atop an unbranched stem and is harvested for its edible oily seeds which are used in the production of cooking oil.

What is the sunflower?


Located in the extreme northwest of Argentina, this province of the country borders with Chile and Bolivia and the neighboring province of Salta to the east and south.

What is Jujuy?


In their first visit to the United States, the Beatles were introduced to cannabis in their hotel suite when they were visited by this singer-songwriter –perhaps the greatest in history with hits like "Like a Rolling Stone". 

Who is Bob Dylan?


Sometimes done by the government, it's a purchase of a controlling share in a company or business.

What is buyout?


Bosnian Serb Gavrilo Princip assassinated Austro-Hungarian Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife setting off a month-long chain of events that led to the outbreak of this conflict.

What is World War I?


The Dutch smokkelen which means to transport goods illegally is the English etymology for this type of perpetrator.

What is a smuggler?


A coastal city in East Asia, this special administrative region's flag boasts a white, stylized five-petal flower sitting on a red background.

What is Hong Kong?


Situated on the Horn of Africa, this is the world's most populated landlocked country and is often considered as the birthplace of coffee since cultivation began in the 9th century.

What is Ethiopia?


Featuring John Lennon's prominent harmonica, this song was the band's earliest hit. Co-written by McCartney as well, the song's bridge says: Someone to love / Somebody new / Someone to love / Someone like you.

What is "Love Me Do"?

Often said in a toast, this adjective is used to highlight the occasion of full of happiness.

What is joyous?


Journalist and dissident Jamal Khashoggi was murdered in the Saudi Arabian consulate of this country by agents of the Saudi government at the behest of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

What is Türkiye?


This two- or three-wheeled cart's name stems from a Japanese term coined in the late 19th century which is composed of three semantic meanings: "human", "power" and "vehicle".

What is a rickshaw or jinrikisha (人力車)?


Particularly well known for its red and green foliage, this flowering plant species grows naturally in Central America and is widely used in Christmas floral displays.

What is poinsettia?


Not to be confused with it's Californian counterpart, this Floridian county is home to University of Central Florida, sports teams Predators and Pride, and Walt Disney World.

What is Orange County?


This Beatles album's cover depicts the band posing in front of a tableau of celebrities and historical figures including: Edgar Allen Poe, Aldous Huxley and Marilyn Monroe. The busy scene also has some iconic props like a cloth doll of Shirley Temple – all behind a flower arrangement reading "Beatles".

What is Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band?


Used to refer to the person being addressed as the object of a verb or preposition when they are also the subject of the clause.

What is yourself?


Although he died in the next morning from the gun wound to the back of the head, Abraham Lincoln was shot by John Wilkes Booth at the Ford Theatre in this American city.

What is Washington, D.C.?


In 1618 two Imperial governors and their secretary were tossed out a window from the Prague Castle sparking the Thirty Years' War, thus coining this latin-based English word which literally means to throw something or someone out a window.

What is defenestration?


The name of this flower originates from the flowers' reaction to having their throats squeezed, which causes the mouth of the flower to "pop" open like a mouth of a mythical creature.

What is snapdragon?
