Metabolic Processes
Molecular Genetics
Population Dynamics
one or more electrons between molecules are shared in the valence shell
What is a covalent bond
The energy in a chemical reaction that can be used to do work.
What is Gibbs Free Energy.
"________________ is the enzyme that "proofreads" new DNA strands, helping to ensure that each molecule is a nearly perfect copy of the original DNA." Ref: "Unit Five Quiz: Molecular Genetics." Unit Five Quiz: Molecular Genetics. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 May 2014. .
What is DNA Polymerase.
Stimulus, sensor, integrator, effector, and response are components of this system.
What is the negative feedback system.
Clumped, random, and uniform.
What are three types of dispersion.
Speeds up the rate of reaction without increasing the activation energy.
What is a an enzyme (also known as a catalyst)
The total energy of an isolated system is constant, it can be neither created nor destroyed, only transferred.
What is the first law of thermodynamics.
"__________________ is a three-nucleotide sequence on messenger RNA that codes for a single amino acid." Ref: "Unit Five Quiz: Molecular Genetics." Unit Five Quiz: Molecular Genetics. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 May 2014. .
What is a codon.
This is the process by which a small effect is amplified.
What is positive feedback system.
"For any age interval, the sum of the _________ and the age-specific survivorship must equal 1." Ref: Fraser, D. (2012). Chapter 12 • The Biochemical Basis of Life. Biology 12 (p. 594). Toronto, Ont.: Nelson Education.
What is age-specific mortality.
Its role is to provide structure, cell division, movement, and cell shape to a eukaryotic cell.
What is the cytoskeleton.
In this stage that is conducted in the cytosol, enzymes are used to break down glucose into two pyruvates.
What is glycolysis.
CGA, CGG, CGU, and CGC are the possible anticodons for which codon?
What is Alanine.
Three hormones that are found in both males and females that regulate the reproductive system.
What are androgens, estrogens, and progestins.
________ "curves drop rapidly at the start, reflecting a very high death rate early in life, and then flatten out as the death rate declines for the few individuals that survive the critical stage." Ref: Fraser, D. (2012). Chapter 12 • The Biochemical Basis of Life. Biology 12 (p. 595). Toronto, Ont.: Nelson Education.
What is Type III.
A solution that has a higher solute concentration than another solution.
What is a hypertonic solution.
What process does the following chemical reaction represent? 2 pyruvate + 2 NAD+ + 2CoA --> 2 acetyl-CoA +2NADH + 2 H+ + 2 CO2
What is pyruvate oxidation.
______ is "a signal molecule that binds to a regulatory protein to reduce the expression of an operon’s genes" Ref: Fraser, D. (2012). Chapter 3 • The Biochemical Basis of Life. Biology 12 (p. 334). Toronto, Ont.: Nelson Education.
What is a corepressor.
"______ or pain receptors, detect tissue damage or noxious chemicals. Their activity registers as pain. _______ are located in the skin and in some internal organs.” Ref: Fraser, D. (2012). Chapter 11 • The Biochemical Basis of Life. Biology 12 (p. 542). Toronto, Ont.: Nelson Education.
What are nociceptors.
One population thrives while the other remains unaffected.
What is commensalism.
Its functions include transport, enzymatic activity, triggering signals, and attachment and recognition of molecules.
What are proteins.
"The _________ membrane of chloroplasts contains the major photosynthetic complexes, which consist of several either nuclear or chloroplast encoded subunits. The biogenesis of these _______ membrane complexes requires coordinated transport and subsequent assembly of the subunits into functional complexes. " Ref:Result Filters. (n.d.). National Center for Biotechnology Information. Retrieved April 2, 2014, from
What is the thylakoid membrane.
"An organism that has been changed by scientists to contain one or more genes from another organism is known as" _________. Ref: Fraser, D. (2012). Chapter 8 • The Biochemical Basis of Life. Biology 12 (p. 386). Toronto, Ont.: Nelson Education.
What is transgenic organism or a genetically modified organism (GMO).
“If blood flow to the kidneys is reduced through blood loss, the kidneys secrete the hormone renin. Renin stimulates the production of angiotensin, which stimulates the secretion of the hormone aldosterone from the __________. Aldosterone causes the reabsorption of sodium and water by nephrons in the kidneys. This water retention increases the body’s fluid volume, which increases blood pressure.” Ref: Fraser, D. (2012). Chapter 11 • The Biochemical Basis of Life. Biology 12 (p. 552). Toronto, Ont.: Nelson Education.
What is the adrenal cortex.
__________ is "the potential for a species to produce offspring in a lifetime". Ref: Fraser, D. (2012). Chapter 12 • The Biochemical Basis of Life. Biology 12 (p. 596). Toronto, Ont.: Nelson Education.
What is fecundity.