Phone Tool

The name of the VPN we use for servicing.

What is Global Protect?


The name of the Phone Tool we use for servicing

What is Amazon Connect ECUI V2 Americas?


Where can you go to view your cases?

Cases in the drop down menu


This is a great branded opening statement.

What is "Thank you for calling Intuit, My name is _____ Your Quickbooks expert. How can I help you today?"


This is the name of the channel where you post if you need assistance while on a call.

What is the Peer to Peer Support channel?


This should be done before you start your shift.

When should you sign in to Global Protect?


This is the status you move to when you're ready to begin your shift. 

What is the Available status?


What can you use to look up a customer's account if you do not get a case pop or the case pop is wrong.

License number, Customer account number, phone number, email or Business Name


This is the first thing you should do after greeting the customer and locating their account.

What is verify the customer?


This is the information that is needed when submitting a request in Teams. 

What is the Teams Support Template? 

Template for support
Case Number:  
Customer's FirstName:  
Customer fully verified? (Y/N):  
Online or Desktop:  
What is the customer issue:  
Glance/SmartLook Code:  
Customer's End Goal:  
What is stopping them:  
What keywords did you use to Search Benjamin the Bot?:
What KBs, INVs and other resources have you found and used: 


This is another name for the username you use to sign in to Global Protect.

What is SSO? (Single Sign-On)


When your shift is over you will move to this status on the phone tool. 

What is the Offline status?


Where should you put the notes of your call in the case? 

Case description. Not the case feed. 


This needs to be said to the customer each time a code is generated (even if there are multiple codes on the same call) before connecting with the customer on screenshare. 

What is the Glance/Smartlook Disclaimer Statement?

Example below: 

Glance Script-Use a disclaimer each time you connect with a new code, even if you are on the same call.

 For Desktop, direct customer to go to File-Utilities-Share screen with agent (if this doesn't work they can go to glance.intuit.com

 For QBO customers have them go to the gear-under tools click on Smartlook

 Mr./Ms. Customer, do you mind starting a screen share with me so I can better assist you with this issue?

Great! Just to let you know, 

I will be able to see everything on your desktop, so if you have any sensitive information that you do not want me to see please go ahead and close or hide that before we begin.

You can close the screen share at any time by clicking the red phone button located at the top of the screen. I will end my remote access once we have resolved your issue. Do I have your permission to start the screenshare?


After you have thoroughly investigated the issue with the customer, researched in Help Panel, asked the Teams Bot and tried searching using a variety of keywords.  

When is the appropriate time to post for help in Teams?


What is the fix to the Single Sign On Error when accessing tools?

Repair your Global Protect from the Control Panel, and reboot your computer.


This is the status you should use on your phone tool if you get disconnected and need to call a customer back. 

What is Customer Follow Up Status?

Bonus Question: Why do you want to use this as opposed to Available or calling from Offline?


A known issue or bug with the Product. You can attach the customer's case and the customer will get email updates about progress on the issue. 

What is an Investigation?


Once we get off the phone, you may receive an email from us with a short survey in it that is based off of our interaction today, and I would love any feedback you have for me; this being said, I want to thank you again for contacting intuit, and you enjoy the rest of your day!

What is a good survey pitch and branded closing?

Bonus: What action do you need to take on every case to trigger the survey to be sent to the customer?


How quickly someone responds to you in Peer to Peer support is variable depending on availability of peers. 

When should you expect a response in Teams?

Do's and Don't: Don't expect an immediate response when you post, remain patient and if 10 minutes have passed without a response you can "bump" your post by putting a short follow up or a "."

Do respond promptly if peers ask follow up questions. (This is one reason it helps to have dual monitors)


What does the "trifecta" mean?

Clear cashe & cookies

Run Windows Updates



If you have to make an outgoing call, with your customer still connected, what are the steps to do that?

Put customer on hold

Click transfer

Click Keypad

Dial out


Hover over the Product on the Account page or put the licence/CAN number in the space and press the magnifying glass.

Where can you go to locate the Asset number when editing your case?


"I see you may have been pulled away to run your business if you still need assistance please give us a call back or use the call me back feature any one of our reps would be able to assist with whatever you may be experiencing thank you for calling intuit (insert department) have a great day"

What should you say if your customer is not responding? (ghost call)


You should always be respectful and professional. 

How should you treat those trying to help you in Peer to Peer Support?
