This person is the Director of DDD
Who is Tony Green
What does ISP stand for
Individual Support Plan
Any support or practice limiting a participant’s rights
What is a rights restriction
These are the 3 CTLC tools
What are Vison Tool, Integrated Supports Star, Life Trajectory
This is when Service Review/Casenote are due after the review is completed?
What is 7 days
This person is the CEO of DHHS
Who is Steve Corsi
This is how long an SC has to complete an ISP
This is a required document when a provider uses a rights restriction to address an identified risk
What is a safety plan
This is 2 of the times that a LOC would be completed
What are Initial eligibility and annual renewal
This is when casenotes are due for the month prior?
What is the 5th calendar day of the following month)
She is known for helping with Budgets and SA’s and has been considered one of the most overworked and underpaid employees in DD
Who is Lelia Razey
This section of the ISP is where programs are listed
What is Action Plans
Every DD provider is required to have a committee to review any psych medications/restrictions
What is HLR/PEC committee
After discussing an ICAP at a participants SISP one of these must be completed
What is Notice of Redetermination
This is 3 different times when a SR might be done
What are new res, GER FU, quarterly – res/day, other FU as needed
This is the DHHS mission statement
What is Helping people live better lives
This is who should be included in the IFM?
What is participant and guardian/family
This document that reviews individual rights is signed every year by participant and/or guardian
What is Notice of Rights and Obligations (NORO)
The risk screen used when food is mainly through a feeding tube
What is Enteral Risk Screen
This is when a provider response is due for a SR resolution?
What is 14 days
When a person is DD eligible but is not Medicaid eligible and wants to receive SC only services this will be assessed
What is Ability To Pay
This is when the Semi-Annual ISP is held?
What is 4-6 mos after ISP start date
This is the only requirement when participant is prescribed psych medications but does not present with target behaviors
What is a safety plan
These 3 things need to be included in an FBA
What are Identified target behaviors, function of behaviors, participants strengths/risk level, recommendations for BSP/safety plan/supports
These are 3 different situations when a casenote is not considered billable
What are participate in ICF/nursing/hospital/CSU/ jail; participate on A&D, participant Medicaid case closed; sending an email/leaving VM/receiving VM