Point of View
Central Idea
Text Structures
Grammar root words
Authors purpose/Figurative language

What do we call the perspective from which a story is told? 

Point of View 


What is an example of a theme we can learn for The Little read ridding hood or Goldie Locks and the three bears 

Little Red Riding hood: Never trust Strangers

Goldie Locks and the three Bears: Ask for permission and don't be so picky, Beggars cannot be choosers. 


What is an example of one of the Text Structures you may find in a text.

Did you say one of the following? Chronological, compare and contrast, cause and effect, problem and solution, Description


What does the root word Hydro mean?

Did you say water? 

Give an example of simile.

did your example include "like" or "as"


In First person point of view, who is the narrator of the story?

The narrator is a character in the story who tells the story from their own perspective.


What is one way you can determine the central Idea? 

Look at the title, Look for key details.


How does understanding text structures help with Comprehension? 

It helps us know how the author organizes the passage. 


What does the word autopilot mean?

did you say a device that steers a ship, aircraft, or spacecraft in place of a person? 


What does the personification the wind whispered in the wind mean?

Did you say the wind made a sound with the trees that sounded like a whisper. 


Give an example of a story told from Third person point of view and how you know. 

Did you use he, she, they, them?


Give an example of a central idea in a fable such as the tortoise and the hare. 

slow and steady wins the race. 


What is the text Structure used in a recipe? 

Did you say Sequence? 


What does the root word graph mean?

Did you say to write?


What are the three main reasons authors may write a text?

to inform, to persuade, to entertain 


Give an example of a story told from first person point of view. How do you know it was first person?

Did you use the words I, me, my in your story?


Why is understanding the central idea important for reading comprehension? 

This helps you know what you have read and what the story is MOSTLY about. 


Explain how a compare and contrast text structure is used in a passage? 

What is the difference between Comparing and Contrasting. 

Comparing tells how things are alike.

Contrasting tells how things are different. 


What does the word anemometer mean? 

Did you say an instrument that measures the forces of speed of wind?


Why is it important to know the authors purpose for writing? 

To know the type of writing that is in front of you.


Why is it important to identify the point of view in a story? 

To know who is telling the story. 


How does identifying the central idea help summarizing a text? 

Knowing what the story is mostly about will help you know what parts of the summary need to be included and which parts could be left out. 


In what way do text structures help readers organize information? 

 It helps readers understand the text's main idea and key points.


What does the word Hydrophobic?

Did you say a fear of water?


Give an example Figurative Language and what type

Teacher needs to check this!! 
