Features of Literature
Elements of Literature
Informational Text
Analyzing Informational Text

"Okay, time to put up your study guide!" 

The students quickly put up their belongings and pulled out a pencil. The teacher stood at the front of the classroom waiting to give directions. 

What are the students doing?

A. taking an assessment

B. starting art class

C. about to play a game

D. going to recess

taking an assessment


It was a bright sunny day. The girl felt the warm sunlight dance across her skin. Crickets hummed in the distance. 

What is the setting of this passage?

A. a barn

B. backyard

C. beach

D. the mall



Hello, students. My name is Ranger Dave, and I am visiting today from Australia to tell you about the platypus. Platypuses are common in the eastern region of my country, and also in Tasmania. As you can see, the platypus is one of the strangest-looking creatures you'll ever come across. It has a duck's bill but a furry body like a mole. Notice the flat, beaver-like tail and the webbed paws. And see how it walks like a reptile with its legs extending from the sides? It's an unusual combination of features, to be sure.

This passage is organized in which organizational structure?

  1. description
  2. problem and solution
  3. cause and effect
  4. sequential order



Your Body's Largest Organ

Do you know what your body's largest organ is? The heart? Your lungs? No, it's neither of those. Have you thought about your skin? The skin is your body's largest organ. The skin is a living organ and protects the body from germs and disease. Protecting your skin is important.

Which sentence states the author's claim?

  1. No one knows what the largest organ is.
  2. The skin is the body's largest organ.
  3. The skin is a living organ.
  4. The skin protects the body from germs and disease.

The skin is the body's largest organ.


Read the sentences from the passage. With a well-practiced toss, he sent the lure out into the deeper water beyond the waves and let it float back toward shore a bit. Sam waited a few seconds, giving the line time to sink, then started the slow, rhythmic process of reeling in the line. 

What mood does the description in the sentences suggest?

A. a lonely mood 

B. a peaceful mood

C. a humorous mood 

D. a mysterious mood

a peaceful mood


I went to the store to get groceries for dinner. When I was there, I ran into my old friend from school. We talked for about five minutes. 

What Point of View is this sentence written in?

A. 1st person

B. 2nd Person

C. 3rd Person

1st person


The protagonist in a story is the good guy, while the antagonist is the bad guy.      

Identify the protagonist in the example below:

Once upon a time, there was a rat named Tony and a mouse named Roni. Tony and Roni were the best of friends until one-day things changed. Tony accidentally left his last wheel of cheese at Roni's house. Tony had been planning to share the cheese with Roni. When he went back to get the cheese, Roni had sold the cheese to pay for a new pair of mouse boots!

A. Tony 

B. Roni



The _________ is the "big idea" in the passage.

A. infer

B. simile

C. central idea

D. summarize

central idea


Read the sentence and choose the correct preposition

The creepy noise is coming _______ that old well.

A. down 

B. in

C. from  

D. up



Read the draft of a student’s essay.

Zookeepers spend their days with animals. They learn what the animals like best and how to care for them. Many of the humans and animals form special relationships. The zookeepers are able to watch the animals grow and change over time. Sometimes, there is also an opportunity to feed and care for baby animals that are born in the zoo. What could be more fun and exciting than that?

Which sentence would provide the best introduction for the paragraph?

A. I hope to visit the zoo this summer with my family.

B. Animals such as bears and monkeys can be seen in many zoos.

C. I think that working at a zoo would be the best type of job.

D. There are hundreds of zoos in cities around the world.

C. I think that working at a zoo would be the best type of job.


Tucker and Jay were playing video games. Jay was losing and was in a bad mood. He shoved Tucker. "You're cheating!", said Jay. 

What Point of View is this written in?

A. 1st person

B. 2nd person

C. 3rd Person

3rd Person


Read this sentence.

My bike cost an arm and a leg, but it was worth the money.

The italicized is which type of figurative language?

A. idiom

B. onomatopoeia

C. personification

D. simile



Which of the following is an example of cause and effect-

A. the life of a frog

B. How to make a friendship bracelet

C. the history of the Crayon

D. if people don't protect wild animals they could become extinct

if people don't protect wild animals they could become extinct


Read the sentence and choose the correct conjunction.

Would you mind switching seats with me ________ I can’t see the stage. 

A. Because 

B. If

C. So that



People visiting Myrtle Beach may want to think before riding the huge Ferris wheel. It soars about 200 feet above the Atlantic Ocean. 

Which conjunction correctly combines the two sentences?

 A. People visiting Myrtle Beach may want to think before riding the huge Ferris wheel since it soars about 200 feet above the Atlantic Ocean. 

B. People visiting Myrtle Beach may want to think before riding the huge Ferris wheel even though it soars about 200 feet above the Atlantic Ocean.

 C. People visiting Myrtle Beach may want to think before riding the huge Ferris wheel as long as it soars about 200 feet above the Atlantic Ocean.

 D. People visiting Myrtle Beach may want to think before riding the huge Ferris wheel whenever it soars about 200 feet above the Atlantic Ocean

 A. People visiting Myrtle Beach may want to think before riding the huge Ferris wheel since it soars about 200 feet above the Atlantic Ocean.


A(n) __________ is an educated guess based on what information you are given.

A. personification

B. inference

C. theme

D. genre



Read this sentence.
Wednesday went by quick, but Thursday was a weeklong.
The italicized is which type of figurative language?

A. adage

B. onomatopoeia

C. hyperbole

D. imagery



How to Make a Pinecone Bird Feeder

You will need:

Pinecones, preferably open


Peanut butter/suet/vegetable shortening

Oatmeal or cornmeal

Birdseed from the store

Plate or pie tin


  1. Tie a string around the pinecone.
  2. Mix ½ cup peanut butter/suet/shortening with ½ cup oats/cornmeal.
  3. Use a spoon (or fingers) to spread the mixture onto the pinecone. Make sure to get the mixture into the open areas of the pinecone. It's easier if the mixture is warm.
  4. Place birdseed in pie tin. Roll and press seed onto pinecone until well covered.
  5. Hang your pinecone feeder in a tree just outside you window. Try to place it away from the tree trunk so it's more difficult for squirrels to get to it.

  6. This passage is organized in which organizational structure? A. description B.problem and solution     C. cause and effect
  7. D. sequence order

sequence order


Read the sentence and choose which word does not need an apostrophe.

Didn't you're grandparents' dog love the new chew toy my sister's friend bought?

A. Didn’t 

B. grandparent's 

C. you're 

S. sister's



A student is planning to write a research report about whether video games are good for kids. Which question would best focus the research so that the student would find information to use in the report?

A. Which video games are most popular with young people?

B. What are some positive effects of playing video games?

C. When is a good time to introduce children to video games?

D. How do people begin a career creating video games?

What are some positive effects of playing video games?


Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing is a novel by Judy Blume. 

The book was first published in 1972. It tells the tale of Peter Warren Hatcher and his baby brother, Farley. Farley goes by the nickname "Fudge." Fudge is sort of a troublemaker. He gets into mess after mess. Peter has to pick up the pieces. Fudge's naughty behavior seems to bring him attention. On the other hand, Peter is unhappy to play the role of a responsible older brother. The story is told from Peter's point of view. Readers everywhere find the story funny and realistic. Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing is an excellent work for young readers.

What sentence best states the central idea?

A. Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing is a novel by Judy Blume.

B. Fudge's naughty behavior seems to bring him attention.

C. The story is told from Peter's point of view.

D. Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing is an excellent work for young readers.

Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing is an excellent work for young readers.


Based on the title below which genre is the book most likely going to be?

Diving Deep with Marine Life

A. mystery

B. autobiography

C. non-fiction

D. graphic novel



Give an example of a chronological text structure-

Answers may vary


Read the sentence. Then choose if that or which is the correct answer.

The building _________ my father used to work in is being torn down.

A. that

B. who 

C. can



A student is writing a report about clouds. Read the information from the source.

Clouds are large collections of tiny water droplets or ice crystals. These droplets are so light that they float in the air. Heat from the sun causes the water in oceans, lakes, and rivers to evaporate, or become a gas. As the gas cools, it rises, and the water droplets begin to stick together. Millions of these tiny water droplets create the clouds we see in the sky.

Which subheading would best describe the information from this source?

A. How Clouds Form

B. Types of Clouds

C. How Clouds Move

D. Using Clouds to Predict Weather

How Clouds Form
