Earth Sciences

A person puts a marshmallow on a stick and holds it over a fire. The marshmallow becomes warm and changes color. 

How does energy transfer cook the marshmallow?

Heat transfers from the fire to the marshmallow and cooks it.


A regular pattern of motion, in water or air, is called a



What part of a plant produces its seeds?

The flower/Fruit


The armadillo is a medium-sized animal that feeds on insects. It lives underground and has a hard body cover. The armadillo can curl up into a ball when threatened. 

How does the hard body cover adaptation help the armadillo?

It protects the armadillo from being eaten by other animals.


Where are volcanos most likely to develop?

Volcanoes are most likely to develop along plate boundaries.


A student connects a fan blade to a generator that is attached to a light bulb with wires. The student places the fan blade in front of a wind source, and the light bulb turns on. 

Which evidence supports the claim that wind energy can be changed into electrical energy?

A. When the wind source moves the fan blades, the light bulb glows. 

B. When the wind source moves the fan blades, the fan blades decrease in temperature.

C. The fan blade is attached to the generator using wires. 

D. The light bulb is attached to the generator using wires. 

A. When the wind source moves the fan blades, the light bulb glows.


If a wave has low frequency, what kind of sound would it make?

It would have a low pitch sound.


There is a plant that commonly has parts of its stems, branches, and leaves eaten by animals. What defensive structures might this plant have to prevent this?

A. Flowers

B. Leaves

C. Bark

D. Seeds


Fur, hair, and feathers all cover the body of an animal. How do they support the survival of the animal?

A. They protect the animal from predators. 

B. They support the reproduction of the animal.

C. They camouflage and hide the animal.

D. They let the animal hunt.

C. They camouflage and hide the animal. 


A group of researchers collect marine fossils of fish from the top of a mountain. 

What best explains how it is possible to find a fossil of a fish on a mountain?

The area was once part of an ocean, and later a mountain formed.


As energy ____________, speed ____________.

A. Increases; increases

B. Increases; decreases

C. Decreases; decreases

D. Decreases; increases

A. Increases; increases


What does the amplitude tell us about the sound of a wave?

The amplitude tells us how loud the sound would be. 


Below are sentences about animals. 

1. A hummingbird sits in its nest.

2. A rabbit jumps and runs away from a human.

3. A dolphin swims in the ocean waves. 

4. A spider jumps on a fly when its web moves. 

5. A goat eats plants in a field.

Which sentences model an animal responding to information from its environment?

A. 1 and 2

B. 2 and 4

C. 3 and 5

D. 4 and 5

B. 2 and 4


How do a crabs shell help them survive?

The shell protects them from predators.


How do mountains form?

At a convergent plate boundary, where the two plates push into each other developing a mountain. 


Object one is moving with considerable energy towards object two, which is still. After object 1 hits object 2, object 1 is still and object 2 is moving. Which one has more energy after the collision?

Object 2 has more energy because the energy was transferred at the collision from object 1 to object 2.


Sound waves are produced by



Seaweed is a plant commonly found in oceans. The bottom of seaweed has a root-like structure called holdfast. 

A holdfast is different from the roots of a land plant as it cannot absorb water and nutrients from the soil. Instead, it attaches to rocks to keep the seaweed in one place. A student claims that the holdfast is a benefit to the seaweed.

Is the claim correct?

A. No. The holdfast attracts fish that will damage the seaweed.

B. Yes. The holdfast stops the water from moving the seaweed from where it grows best. 

C. No. The holdfast does not allow the seaweed to move around the ocean to find food.

D. Yes. The holdfast moves the seaweed towards the sunlight so that it can grow.

B. Yes. The holdfast stops the water from moving the seaweed from where it grows best.


A dolphin makes a sound, like a click, from an organ in its forehead called the melon. The sound travels in a straight path in a specific direction away from the dolphin. It travels through the water, bounces off an object, and returns to the dolphin. The dolphin feels the sound wave using structures in its jaw that are connected to its ears. This is called echolocation.

In what environment would echolocation benefit survival?

In a dark environment that has little light for vision. 


What landforms might you see on a topographic map? 

Mountains because topographic maps show the elevation of an area.


Clara notices that hitting her drum harder makes a louder noise. What is the cause of this?

As energy increases, speed of the vibrations increase. 


Light waves do not need a _______________ to travel through.



Xylem transports nutrients and water from the _________________ to the _______________ within a plant. 

Xylem transports nutrients and water from the roots to the leaves within the plant. 


Polar bears have slightly webbed feet. Why might they have this adaptation?

To help them swim and find prey.


Explain the difference between weathering, erosion, and deposition.

Weathering- The breaking down of rocks and minerals. 

Erosion- The movement of the broken down material through wind, ice, gravity, or water.

Deposition- Once the movement has slowed to a stop, the materials gather in a new location. After a while, this can produce a new landform over time. 
