How many planets are in our solar system?
What is 8 planets.
What type of change is breaking a stick into pieces?
What is physical change.
What is it called to stand steady on one leg?
What is balance or balancing.
What are the pieces left behind at a crime that might help solve the case called?
What is evidence.
What is the tallest building in Port Huron?
What is the Fieldhouse Tower.
What is the name of our solar system?
What is the Milky Way.
What type of change is burning a piece of paper?
What is chemical change.
Which of the 5 senses helps the most with remaining steady on one foot?
What is vision/seeing/the eyes.
Which is not a type of fingerprint?
Arch, Spiral, Loop, Whorl
What is spiral.
The CEM (Clara E. Mackenzie) Building (the building we are in most of the time) has a giant what on the side of it?
What is a giant astronaut.
How many stars are in our solar system?
What is one. (The sun)
What is the name of the substance that triggers a chemical reaction?
What is a catalyst.
What is the name of the function that keeps a person balanced? (This gets screwed up when you are dizzy.)
What is equilibrium.
What is the title of a person or persons thought to possibly have committed a crime?
What is a suspect.
What was the one clue that was found inside of the College Center Building?
What is a time capsule.
The moon is known as a what since it orbits the Earth?
What is a satellite.
What does exothermic mean?
What is heat is released during a chemical change.
What/where in the body is responsible for equilibrium?
What is the inner ear.
What is the title of someone who is studying a crime scene?
What is an investigator.
Which clue is located at the camp drop off/pick up loop?
What is the Little Free Library.
What type of star is our sun?
What is a yellow dwarf.
Name two signs of a chemical change.
What is
Which 2 body systems are mostly in use when trying to keep balance?
What are the muscle and nervous systems.
What does CSI stand for?
What is Crime Scene Investigation.
What are the areas of nature throughout campus called?
What are bioswales.