Why is it called Come Follow Me?
Because Jesus said to follow Him.
What is the name of the color of the Hansen's home?
Jade Dragon
Which class member has performed in plays?
Emme Chaffin
Who was the main scribe of the Book of Mormon?
Oliver Cowdery
I Stand All Amazed at the _______ Jesus offers me.
Learn of me, Listen to my words, walk in the _______ of my spirit, and ye shall have peace in me.
Meekness (D&C 19:23)
Where does Sister Hansen work?
Dry Creek Elementary
How many siblings does Conrad Williams have?
When was the church officially organized?
April 6, 1830
How many new hymns are available from the new hymnbook?
And if it so be that you should ______ all your days in _____ repentance unto this people, and bring, save it be one _____ unto me, how great shall be your joy with him in the kingdom of my Father!
labor, crying, soul (D&C 18:15)
What is the name of the YouTube channel Brother Hansen is involved in?
The Dough Necessities
What is the name of Carson's younger sister?
How many times did Moroni appear to Joseph Smith in the first 24 hours?
Who is the composer of most of the songs on the youth albums?
Nik Day
What do you need to do to gain salvation?
Repent, baptism, and keep the commandments
Where did Sister Hansen serve her mission?
Santiago, Chile
What was Ethan Rowe's summer job?
Mowing lawns
Who was with Joseph Smith when Jesus appeared to him in the Kirkland temple?
Sidney Rigdon
Who is the composer of the song Gethsemane?
Melanie Hoffman, arranged by Roger Hoffman
What was one of the main purposes of the revelation of D&C 18?
Calling of the Twelve Apostles
Who is the host of FM100's Sunday Sounds?
Greg Hansen, Brother Hansen's Father.
What country, other than the USA, did Hayli Hatch live in?
South Korea
How many prophets have there been since Joseph Smith?
How many hymns did Ebenezer Beesley compose?