The major scale with no flats or sharps
What is C major.
A major sixth above Bb.
What is G.
The other name for C#
What is Db?
Top line of the treble clef
What is F?
C# to D - whole step or half step?
What is a half step?
The third note of a D major Scale.
What is F#.
A major third above B.
What is D#.
The other name for Gb
What is F#?
Bottom space of the treble clef
What is F?
E to F# - Whole step or half step?
What is whole step?
The formula for a major scale
Bottom note C#, top note F#
What is a perferct fourth?
The two names for the black key between G and A.
What is G#/Ab.
Top space of the bass clef
What is G?
The number of notes in a major or minor scale.
What is 7 (8 including repeated tonic).
The fourth note of Bb Major.
What is Eb.
A minor third above F#.
What is A.
The other name for F
What is E#.
One ledger line below the treble clef
What is (middle) C?
What part of the major scale formula you start on to make a minor scale.
What is the 6th?
The sixth note of A major.
What is F#.
The order of intervals by half step up to an octave.
What is unison, m2, M2, m3, M3, P4, TT, P5, m6, M6, m7, M7, P8?
The other name for G double sharp.
One ledger line above the treble clef
What is A?
When you add a sharp to the major scale, the name of the key is up this interval from the previous scale.
What is a perfect fifth?