Baptist protocol for scapula
What is AP and Oblique?
The Y Scap consists of these three parts
What is the body, the acromion, and the coracoid process?
This is the central ray of a scapular Y projection
What is perpendicular to the scapulohumeral joint?
Baptist protocol for a trauma shoulder
What is AP neutral and Y scap shoulder?
This is the amount of body rotation for a lateral projection of the scapula (RAO or LAO)
What is a 45-60 degree rotation from the plan of the IR?
Positioning the arm at a right angle for an AP scapula does this certain thing to the scapula
What is draws the scapula laterally?
This is the central ray of the transthoracic lateral shoulder
What is perpendicular to the IR, entering the MCP at the level of the surgical neck?
This is the method name of a transthoracic lateral shoulder
What is the Lawrence Method?
This is the amount of body rotation for a scapular Y projection
What is the MCP forms an angle of 45-60 degrees to the IR?
In anterior shoulder dislocations, the humeral head is either above or beneath the coracoid process. Which is it?
What is beneath the coracoid process?
This is the central ray for AP scapula
What is perpendicular to the mid-scapular area at a point 2 inches inferior to the coracoid process?
You would do this shoulder projection for evaluation of suspected shoulder dislocations
What is the scapular Y view?
The arm is positioned this way for an AP oblique projection of the scapula
What is extend the arm, elbow on head in a swooning position?
This is in profile on an AP neutral shoulder
What is the humeral head in partial profile?
This is the central ray of the lateral projection of the scapula
What is perpendicular to the midmedial border of the protruding scapula?
This is the kind of compensating filter you would use for a shoulder
What is a boomerang filter?
Patient rotation for an AP oblique scapula (Baptist protocol)
What is extend the arm, elbow on head (swooning position), and rotate body away from affected side 25-35 degrees?
Name one evaluation criteria of an AP oblique scapula
What is acromion and inferior angle? What is lateral scapular border adjacent to the ribs?
This is the central ray for the AP oblique scapula
What is perpendicular to the lateral border of the rib cage at the mid-scapular area?
You would do this shoulder projection if the patient has trauma and they cannot rotate or abduct their arm
What is a transthoracic lateral shoulder?