Mod Podge
All in a days work

Must be given 48 hours prior to discharge

What is a NOMNC


I keep my drugs in a jar over there that I get from the Dollar Store and some are in that bag on the floor that I picked up from the pharmacy.

What is when you started getting home care did someone from the agency ask to see all of your prescription and over the counter medicines you were taking.


Just because I don't go anywhere doesn't mean I don't have a schedule that I keep. I watch, "The Price is Right" every day.

What is did agency providers from this agency keep you informed about what time they would arrive at your home?


You want me to move my end table, my recliner, and pick up my throw rugs.

What is did someone from the agency talk with you about how to set up your home so you can move around safely.


On what days can a recert be completed, number?

What is days 56-60


Must have prior to touching someone

What is a signed consent


Take Synthroid before eating in the morning. Take Aspirin, Lasix, and Potassium in the morning. Take Lasix in the afternoon. 

Did someone from the agency talk to you about when to take your Medicine?


You are hurting me with that gait belt. You hurt me when you pulled off that tape.

What is did the providers from this agency treat you as gently as possible?

The doctor ordered Nursing, PT, and OT for you. 

What is did someone from the agency tell you what services you would be getting?


If I want homecare, I can't go the the casino or the racetracks every day? I can to to church, get my hair cut, and go to my grandson's graduation next week.

What is home bound.


Examples are DNR, Medical Power of attorney, and living will.

What are advance directives.


Some of the side effects of Trazodone are: blurred vision, confusion, dizziness, lightheadedness, sweating, unusual tiredness or weakness, and decreased concentration. 

Did home health providers talk to you about side effects of your medications.


I don't know what CHF, DVT, ROC, or a beta blocker is.

What is did the providers from the agency explain things in a way you could understand.


Mr. Jones: Nobody ever knows what they are doing? They always ask me, what am I supposed to be doing with you today?

What is how often did the home health providers from this agency seem up informed and up to date about of the care and treatment you got at home


What I should do after a SOC, ROC, Recert, change in condition, Vital signs out of parameters.

Contact signing physician with update.


This is how I know what I should do on subsequent visits.

What is a Plan of Care.


You started taking Metformin since my last visit. Metformin is to help manage high blood sugar in your type 2 Diabetes.

Did the home health provider talk to you about the purpose of new or changed medications?


I hurt all over all of the time. 

What is did the agency talk to you about pain?


I called the office multiple times with questions. They always get back to me on the same day.

What is when you contacted the agencies office, how long did it take for you to get the help or advice you needed?


Any new, discontinued or changed medications since last visit? Have you seen a doctor, ER, or urgent care since last visit? Any falls or changes in your mobility? What else can I do to make your visit a 10 today? I have the time.

What is questions you should ask every visit.


The categories are high priority, moderate priority, and low priority.

What is the Emergency Preparedness Plan categories


Let's go over all of your pills to include the stuff you buy from the store, why you take them, what time, and side effects.

What is did someone from the Agency talk with you about all of the prescription and over the counter medicines you are taking?


All you do is sit on your computer or phone. Please call me Mr. Jones, not Jim and not Bruh.

What is did the providers from this agency treat you with courtesy and respect?


It only counts if it is a 9 or 10.

What is using a number between 0 and 10, where 0 is the worst care and 10 is the best care possible, what number would you use to rate your care from this agency's home health providers.


This is team based activity to facilitate the appropriate delivery of health care services.

What is care coordination?
