To what spot does Hester feel herself magnetically connected?
The base of the scaffold
When Dimmesdale opens his shirt, what is the "miracle" he reveals to the crowd?
He reveals that he has been marked with an 'A' on his chest.
What invitation does Hibbins make to Pearl?
Hibbins invites Pearl to ride with her to go see her father
What is a negative opinion Hawthorne expresses of the elected officials?
The elected officials were not bright.
What is a positive opinion Hawthorne expresses of the elected officials?
The elected officials were strong and self-reliant.
Why is Hester disappointed when Dimmesdale passes with the procession? What are her doubts?
Hester is disappointed because Dimmesdale seems so distant and happy. She doubts the fact that there is a real connection between her and Dimmesdale.
How does the audience react to Dimmesdale's sermon? What do they feel must soon happen to him?
Everyone was in awe of Dimmesdale's sermon. They feel that he will die soon.
What message does the sailor ask Pearl to deliver to Hester?
The sailor tells Pearl to tell Hester that Chillingworth is taking Dimmesdale on the ship with him.
What is so impressive about the reaction of the crowd when the officials enter the market place?
The sound of the crowd was louder than the blast of an organ or thunder, but when the minister came by everyone got quiet.
What term expresses the stylistic choice Hawthorne makes in not saying which theory is correct?
Hester continues to voluntary wear the scarlet Letter, but it does not carry the same stigma. Instead, what role does Hester play in the community after her return?
She comforted and counseled women who were miserable
Instead of running from Boston, what action does Dimmesdale take? Why do you think he prefers this to the escape he and Hester planned?
Dimmesdale gets on the scaffold. He prefers this because the people could now see what Dimmesdale had done and hid from the people for so long.
How does Pearl become "the richest heiress of her day, in the New World"?
After Chillingworth's death, he left Pearl property in both Boston and England
What is disturbing about the statements made by Mistress Hibbins to Hester?
It is disturbing that she knows so much about Hester and Dimmesdale's meeting in the forest.
What happens to Chillingworth after Dimmesdale's death?
Chillingworth disappeared because there was no more Devil's work on Earth he returned home.
How does Hester feel as she stands in the market place? What is the irony she herself notes?
Hester feels confused and harassed. She notes that everyone is harassing her, but praising Dimmesdale even though they have the same mark
What effect does the event, culminating in the giving of a kiss to Dimmesdale, have on Pearl? Quote the line exactly
"The great scene of grief, in which the wild infant bore a part, had developed all her sympathies; and as her tears fell upon her fathers cheek, they were the pledge that she would grow up amid human joy and sorrow, nor for ever do battle with the world, but be a woman in it."
After disappearing for a long period after the death of these men, Hester returns to her cottage, but without Pearl. What inferences can be made about Pearl and her life based on the evidence provided?
Pearl is rich and living in England. She sends gifts to Hester
What are some of the townspeople's explaination for Dimmesdale claiming to be Hester's partner in sin?
They said he was expressing the futility of human righteousness.
What was on Hester's grave besides the epitaph?
A coat of arms.
What is the epitaph on Hester's grave?
"On a field, sable, the letter A, gules."
What are the three explanations that the townspeople have for the Scarlet Letter that was seen on Dimmesdale's chest?
Some said Dimmesdale begin a regimen of penance by torturing himself, others thought that Chillingworth, a sorcerer, made this mark with his magic drugs, and other said the symbol was from constant remorse, and the remorse gnawed from his heart outward to his chest
How do the different people in the market place react differently to Pearl's behavior?
The puritans saw her as a demon child, a wild Indian saw a spirit more wild than his, and the sailors gazed at Pearl with wonder and amazement.
Quote the moral related by the narrator in the final chapter.
"Be True! Be True! Be true! Show freely to the world, if not your worst, yet some trait whereby the worst may be inferred!"
Where is Hester's grave located?
It is located beside Dimmesdale's grave, and it is beside what would later be known as King's Chapel.