Who on the wrap team reaches out to the family upon receiving a referral?
What is the expectation for note turnaround time (in hours) after a service is provided?
36 hours
What is 485’s alarm code?
If you are P1 on a Thursday, when does your shift start (day and time)?
Have your phone on at 7:30 Wednesday, shift starts 8:00 Wednesday
How long do you have to complete the Risk Screening after an intake?
48 hours
Who is our Health Information Specialist?
Sue Lan Bin
How long do ISS services typically last?
30 days
What is the phone number for Rapid Response?
(877) 529-5720
How long do we have to reach out to a family after receiving the referral from IPC?
24 hours
What are the 3 documents support counselors are responsible for?
Family friendly safety plans, TSRs, FTM minutes
What are the 2 programs that joined the region in the last year? Kaiser Step and Kaiser Wraparound
When responding to an email from Rapid Response, who from wrap should you make sure is included?
Wrap supervisors and all Seneca teammates on the case (clinician, support counselor, family partner, etc…)
Who should be present at the intake appointment for a new referral?
Ideally, the whole team! Facilitator, clinician, and support counselor
What is the billing expectation (percent) for a facilitator?
Name a director or supervisor of the Welcoming Center
Robert Santillan, Aiko Yano, Jessie Eschman (any are acceptable)
What does CSR stand for?
Centralized Scheduling Request
Who are the 3 people who assign wraparound referrals to our SCC Connections program? (first and last names)
Tamekia Johnson, Christie Pfalzgraf, and Tom Webster
Who is authorized to sign an ROI (name 3)?
Youth over 12, legal rights holder, or the judge
Who is the Chief Program Officer in our region at Seneca?
Melissa Lawton
Name 3 AOC’s (first name is acceptable)
Miguel, Azzy, Brittany, Pamella, Xavier, Payal, Tangie (any are acceptable)