Learning with Trade Books
Assessment of and for Learning
Vocabulary Development
Guiding Reading Comprehension
Writing Across the Content Areas

Teachers select quality books by considering:

1. The Authority of the author 

2. The Accuracy of text content

3. The Appropriateness of the book for its audience

4. The literacy Artistry 

5. The Appearance of the Book

What is the five A's?


High-stakes testing which does not accurately assess a student's abilities, which could lead to misdiagnosis.  

What is Standardized Testing? 


Establishes a meaningful link between students' prior knowledge and words that are conceptually related to one another. Must develop a chart or grid to help students analyze similarities and differences among the related concepts.

What is a Semantic Feature Analysis (SFA)


Make clear connections that exist between the type of questions asked, the text, and the reader's prior knowledge. Helps students become aware of and skilled in using learning strategies to find the information they need to comprehend at different levels of response to the text.

What is a QAR? 


A short and informal writing task. Helps students activate prior knowledge and make connections to new material. After reading it helps students summarize and extend their thoughts about a subject. 

What is WTL


Can scaffold student understanding of a range of topics through formats that intrigue rather than intimidate. Are a particularly rich resource for struggling readers because illustrations aid comprehension. Also can lend themselves to every content and build bridges between the past and present.  

What are picture books? 


Course exams, high stakes tests, final projects, essays, performance tasks, and portfolios.

What is Summative Assessment?


A mental image which may represent anything that can be grouped together by common features or similar criteria: objects, symbols, ideas, processes, or events. It is similar to schemata, and hardly ever stands alone: instead, it is bound by a hierarchy of relationships. 

What is a concept? 


Begins with what the students know about the topic to be studied. Then what the students want to learn as they generate questions about the topic. And finally, leads to a record as to what the students learned as a result in their engagement in the strategy.  

What is the KWL Strategy? 


Helps students generate ideas and explore personal connections with the material. They are used as "springboards" for classroom discussions and to extend thinking, solve problems, and stimulate the imagination.

What is an Academic Journal?


Reluctant readers respond positively to these types of books: short books (less than 100 pages), series books, and graphic novels.  

What are Books for unmotivated readers?


Admit and exit slips, think-pair-share, reflective journals, asking questions, conferences, and homework exercises.

What is Formative Assessment?


Make use of footnotes, italics, boldface print, parenthetical definitions, pictures, graphs, and charts. Provides a clear-cut connection and a direct reference to an unknown word.

What is a Typographic Clue? 


1. prepare students for reading

2. Assign a reading selection and as students finish reading, have them turn the books face down. 

3. Help students recognize that there is much that they have not remembered or have represented incorrectly  

4. Redirect students to their books and review the selection to correct inconsistencies and add further information. Then organize recorded remembrances into an outline.

5. Extend questioning to stimulate an analysis of the material and a synthesis of the ideas with previous learning.

6. Provide immediate feedback, such as a short quiz, as a reinforcement of short-term memory.

What is the Guided Reading Procedure (GRP) 


Allows teachers to create prompts for many types of discipline-specific writing assignments. Focusing on the role, audience, form, and topic in producing thoughtful writing.  

What is RAFT?

Guidelines for teachers to follow in their classroom so students can:

Hold interest 

Stimulate discussion

reflect authors from many cultures

match the social and emotional levels of the listeners

What is Teacher Read-aloud?


A quick and simple readability formula that identifies the grade-level score of the material given to students. Goes from grade 1 to college. Uses sentence length and word length to determine grade level.

What is the Fry Graph? 


A visual tool for providing students with opportunities to consider the relationships among word concepts, and to apply those concepts in meaningful ways. Uses three vocab words and makes students connect their meanings.

What are Vocabulary Triangles?


Literal: getting information explicitly from the text.

Interpretive: Putting together information, perceiving relationships, and making inferences.

Applied: using the information to express opinions and form new ideas.

What are the Comprehension Levels? 


Discovery: get it out. Involves planning, building on prior knowledge, setting goals, and getting ready for the task at hand.

Drafting: Getting it down in a coherent fashion. The writer's audience should have the audience in mind. Teachers should be monitoring progress in class and acting as a soundboard. 

Revising: Getting it right. Revising should hinder on feedback student receives between first and second drafts. 

Publishing: Going public. Consists of Oral presentations, room displays, or a secure website for students and parents. 

What is Guiding the Writing Process? 
