When you hear this man's name, you have to make noise and boo him.
How many mitzvot does Purim have?
I’m tall when I’m young, and I’m short when I’m old. who am I?
A candle
Do 20 jumping jacks
Good job!
Where does the story of Purim take place?
Someone needs to read something to do this mitzvah
Mikra Megilat Ester
What did Napoleon keep in his sleevies?
His armies
Count to 20 really fast, but skip 15
What does Esther do when she hears about Haman's plans to kill the Jewish people?
Fast for 3 days
These baskets hold so many treats. We'll take them to our friends
Mishloah Manot
What has many keys but can’t open any lock?
a piano
Go to the front and sing a Purim song
Introducing: the next Noa Kirel!
What was Esther's name before she changed it?
In what Mitzva do you eat food and celebrate?
I have lakes with no water, mountains with no stone, and cities with no buildings. What am I?
a map
Make a human Jewish star
You are a star!
What is expected to be mentioned in the story of Purim, but isn't?
What do you call the Mitzvah in which you give presents to the less fortunate?
Matanot La'evyonim
A man died of old age on his 25th birthday. How is it possible?
His birthday is February 29th
Tell us 5 facts about Purim in less than one minute
All kneel you, oh the wise ones!