Anyway, so you've been burned a couple times. Have we met? Ive been burned so many times I'm like the human equivalent of the inside of a..
Roasted Marshmallow!
I’m only doing this because you called me rude, and I take that as a compliment.
Moira said - What you did was impulsive, capricious, and melodramatic. But it was also wrong.
When David ran away!
According to David has the WORST taste in men, and has a step daughter.
Wendy! (Blouse Barn owner)
I googled that bug. It's some sort of demonic cricket that takes ... out of your skin.
It’s just a checkpoint, okay? I’ve been through tons of these in Johannesburg. Umm, it’s like a drive thru, except everybody has a gun.
Moira said - This wine is awful...give me another glass.
The first time she was working with Herb Ertlinger!
After ... calls Alexis a pretty poem Alexis then describes her as a mermaid.
Tennessee or Tallahassee!
Im still Oscillating
Rays office!
I haven't ... anything since I was like 22.
I can’t feel my tongue. But I know it’s there because I’m talking.
Alexis said - Lick Rust.
When Alexis is trying to plan the Crows premiere!
A photographer that came to do a photoshoot with Moira, and David knew him well.
Sebatian Raine!
You and Patrick are two good grapes.
Herb Ertlingers Vineyard!
Oh I'd kill for a good ... right now.
If those bunnies feel exploited even a little, I'm pulling the plug.
Johnny said - Oh look at David smart enough to get that joke, but not smart enough to stop wearing sweaters in the middle of summer.
The roast!
Alexis's 60 something "rebound" who gives her the nickname "Lex"
I think Iv'e killed a man
Rose Apothecary!
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I'd really like you to sing at my cousin's funeral, she's not dead yet but she's been coughing a lot.
David said - Its SKANKY.
When David is helping Roland pick out a dress for Jocelyn!
Johnny thinks he might be getting a certain whisper from this woman.
Ted's mom (Cheryl Mullens!)
What does burning smell like?!
Roland & Jocelyn's kitchen!