Random Facts
Coping Skills

What is the difference between positive and negative symptoms?

A positive symptom is something you didn't experience before the onset of schizophrenia (ie: psychosis). A negative symptom is when schizophrenia makes something that used to be easy more difficult (ie: blunt affect, difficulty communicating, feelings of depression, etc.).


True or False: 

Most symptoms of schizophrenia first occur between the ages of 16-30. 

TRUE! Schizophrenia can occur earlier, but this is quite rare. The typical age for symptoms to appear is adolescence to early adulthood through the age of 30. 

It is important to recognize the signs of schizophrenia and seek help quickly. Symptoms can include positive, negative, and cognitive symptoms. 


What are some common goals of recovery?

Any will work:

- Developing independent living skills.

- Managing symptoms.

- Learning and applying coping skills.

- Understanding and accepting your condition.

- Managing intense emotions like anger and anxiety.

- Find appropriate medication.

- Improve social skills.

-Improve overall quality of life. 


What is stigma?

Stigma refers to negative biases against a person based on their circumstances or experience. Addiction, debt, disability, mental illness, poverty, are all said to carry stigma. 


Why is exercise important for people with mental illness?

Possible answers:

- It makes you healthier and allows you to live longer.

- It can make you happier and relieve anxiety.

- It is a healthy way to release energy.

- It keeps your body strong and in shape.

- It is good stress-relief.

- Your doctor will appreciate it.


Name three positive symptoms

Any of these are okay:

- Delusions (believing something that is not true)

- Hallucinations (including voices)

- Disorganized speech (hard to follow) (sometimes stopping without finishing thought or making up words that have no meaning)

-  Ways of thinking that are odd or illogical. 

-  Trouble organizing thoughts 

- Erratic, inappropriate, or bizarre behaviors

- Psychomotor agitation 

- Catatonic or withdrawn behaviors


True or False: Schizophrenia is extremely rare.

False. Schizophrenia affects more than 3 million people worldwide. 


Using _______ or _______ can make symptoms worse and stop medications from working properly.

Drugs or alcohol.


True or False: People with schizophrenia can only make friends with other mentally ill individuals.

False! While some people without mental illness are judgmental toward people who have them, many more people will be accepting and supportive. 


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a type pf psychosocial treatment for mental illness that can be helpful for patients with schizophrenia. 


CBT helps patients work on ways to change or challenge unhelpful ways of thinking or behaving.

CBT that is focused on psychosis also helps patients decrease distress associated with symptoms and improve overall functioning. 


Name three negative symptoms

Any of these are okay:

- Flat affect

- Decreased motivation

- Difficulty making or pursuing goals

- Slowed reaction to other people & events

- Diminished speech

- Apathy

- Anhedonia (loss of ability to feel pleasure)

What percentage of the population has schizophrenia?

1/100 or 1%.


What is it called when someone experiences both addiction and a mental illness at the same time?

Co-occurring disorders.


What are some ways to address misconceptions about schizophrenia?

Possible answers:

- Sharing your story.

- Sharing resources to help people learn.

- Correcting misconceptions when you hear them.

- Live confidently and be proud of who you are.


True or false: There are no coping skills that can help with positive symptoms (delusions, hallucinations, etc.).

False! Many CBT techniques, such as reality-testing, cognitive reassessing, and addressing permanent thinking can help.

What types of symptoms (positive or negative) do antipsychotic medications address?

Mostly positive symptoms


What is schizoaffective disorder?

Schizoaffective disorder involves a combination of schizophrenia and mood disorder (particularly bipolar) symptoms.


What makes drugs and alcohol especially dangerous for people with schizophrenia?

Any will work:

- They interfere with medication.

- Can interact with medications in unsafe ways.

- Can mask symptoms/delay appropriate treatment.

- Do not provide lasting, sustainable relief.

- Can negatively impact a patient's physical health.


What can you do if someone judges you for your mental illness?

Possible answers:

- Have a conversation with them about how you feel.

- Set boundaries with that person.

- Focus on more supportive and positive people in your life.

- Remember that other people are responsible for their feelings and prejudices. Do not blame yourself.


If you feel you are not getting better or need additional support, what can you do?

Possible answers:

- Talk to your doctor or psychiatrist. 

- Talk to your case manager.

- Join an outside support group.

- Find a psychotherapist to offer further support.


How can a client manage negative symptoms that medications do not eliminate?

Any of these work:

- Using coping skills

- Attending group/program

- Staying connected to a support system

- Seeking psychotherapy

- Reading self-help books


What can you do when you are experiencing a symptom?

Possible answers:

- Use coping skills.

- Use "reality testing" to see if what you are perceiving or experiencing makes sense/seems real.

- Remind yourself that you are strong and resilient and doing well in recovery.

- Contact your support system.

- When in doubt, contact your doctor.


Should a patient stop taking a medication before talking first with their doctor? 


No! Suddenly stopping medication can be dangerous, and it can make symptoms of schizophrenia worse. 

It is important to discuss any concerns about medications with your doctor, so that he/she can help you make treatment decisions based on your needs and medical situation. 


True or False: 

"Schizophrenia is a serious and lifelong neurodevelopmental disorder that affects how a person thinks, feels, and behaves." 




What are some examples of creative coping skills?

- Art

- Building things

- Collaging

- Floral arrangement

- Journaling

- Painting

- Scrapbooking 

- Sculpting/working with clay

- Writing

