He was a 2019 independent presidential candidate and Vermont senator, known for his progressive political views.
Who was Bernie Sanders?
This order of insects includes the Southeast Asian "orchid" species. A nickname for these insects references their upright posture with folded forearms. In an example of sexual cannibalism, females of these insects bite off the heads of males. These are often called "praying" insects.
What are mantises?
An example of this linguistic device includes good mischief. This linguistic device refers to a self-contradictory phrase and comes from the Greek words meaning sharp and dull.
What is an oxymoron?
The cardinality of the set of integers is a countable form of this concept. This concept is not a number by can be used as a so-called endpoint of an interval. A lemiscate, a symbol resembling a sideways 8 represents this concept that is larger than any number.
What is infinity?
At the 2018 MTV Movie Awards, this actor outlined his 'Nine Roles,' which included 'learn to pray.' This actor plays a character who was kidnapped at an early age by Yondu's Ravagers, and taken into space. This actor plays Star-Lord in Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy films.
Who is Chris Pratt?
In November 2018 a report from Save the Children estimated that 85,000 children had died of this cause during the previous three years of the Yemeni Civil War.
What is starvation?
Unlike glaciers, these features carve V-shaped valleys. These bodies of moving water may deposit sediment in deltas at their mouths.
What are rivers?
Novels about this 'girl detective' from River Heights are attributed to 'Carolyn Keene,' a pseudonym used by various authors.
Who is Nancy Drew?
What is binary?
This disorder was once called manic depression and causes people to alternate between periods of depression and elevated mood.
What is bipolar disorder?
During this man's presidency, over 100 people were killed when Chechen rebels took hostages in a theater. This former KGB agent became president of a European country in 1999. Aside from spending four years as prime minister, he has been president ever since.
Who is Vladimir Putin
The rotational form of this law states that torque is equal to moment of inertia times angular acceleration. This law states that the rate of change of momentum equals the net force. This law of motion states that force is equal to mass times acceleration.
What is Newton's second law?
On the right side of this painting, a female figure holds out a cloak decorated with flowers. This is a 15th century painting of a nude goddess who emerges from the sea atop a large shell.
What is the Birth of Venus?
For an ellipsoid, this property equals the product of the lengths of the three principal axes times pi over 6. For any pyramid, this quantity is equal to the height times 1/3 times the area of the base. This three-dimensional quantity quantifies the space inside a surface.
What is volume?
A 1978 mass suicide at this South American complex led to the expression 'drinking the Kool-Aid' which means dedicating oneself to a dubious cause. However, most of the victims at this complex actually drank off-brand Flavor Aid laced with toxins.
What is Jonestown?
What is Cambodia?
An achromatic doublet consists of two of these objects, often a pair made of flint glass and crown glass. The radius of curvature of these objects is two times their focal length. Mirrors are often contrasted with this optical device that uses refraction to focus light.
What is a lens?
The Empire State building is an example of this architectural style which flourished in the 1920s. Its name derives from a French exposition.
What is Art Deco?
This property holds for addition, but not subtraction or division. A plus the quantity B plus the quantity C always equals the quantity open quantity A plus B close quantity plus C.
What is the associative property?
The season of Akhet corresponded to this annual event. The god Hapi presided over this event that was once believed to start near Aswan or Elephantine.
What is the flooding of the Nile?
This state was represented by a senator whose Vietnam War service record was attacked by the Swift Boat Veterans in 2004. In 1969 a senator from this state drove off a bridge in Chappaquiddick. This New England state also has had senators John Kerry and Ted Kennedy.
What is Massachusetts?
This law's namesake stated it in Latin as " ut tensio, sic vis". This law holds that the force needed to stretch or compress a spring is proportional to the deformation length.
What is Hooke's Law?
This composer often used a musical motif based on his own last name, including in the last Contrapunctus of his The Art of Fugue. This German composer created The Well-Tempered Clavier.
Who is JS Bach?
The Pythagorean theorem can be used to prove the Pythagorean identities, one of which states that for any angle, the sine squared plus the cosine squared always equals this value.
What is one?
The only land borders of the Spanish territories of Ceuta and Melilla are with this country, which contains the city of Casablanca.
What is Morocco?