a teacher writes on it with a chalk
a blackboard
a platform we use for distance learning
VK or Sferum
What are the names of your English teachers?
Konstantin Vladimirovich and Nadezhda Mihaylovna
You study languages in this class
Russian or English
you carry this on your back
a schoolbag
You go here when you feel bad
a medical centre
What is the name of our principal?
Ilya Alexandrovich
You do physical exercises in this class
you sit on this
a chair
you eat here
a canteen
What is the name of our nurse?
Vera Vladimirovna
you paint and draw in this class
What do you use to study when your class is in quarantine?
a computer, a table or a phone
a place where you take books
a library
What are names of our head teachers? (at least name 2)
Nelli Victorovna, Elena Yuryevna, Olga Vasilyevna...
You study the past in this class
You use it to erase mistakes
an eraser.
a room for teachers
a teacher's room
Olga Vasilyevna
You study how to use a computer in this lesson