Who are two students that should be in college.
Miya Belle Chudek and Clementine Evelyn Vazquez
What does 2x3x4x5x6x67x9x5x0x4x3x2x1x5x6x7x8x0x7x5x4x3x9x8x7x6x5x5x6=
what is 1+1=
What do you put at the end of a sentence
What is Miya's favorite lunch video
Thomas the train stunts
Who are some of the best teachers ever
Mrs. Gianella and Mrs. Warner
What is 200 times 3
what is 2+2+3=
who did Miya write about for her narrative biography?
Tony Hawk
What is Clementine's favorite lunch video
Rube Goldberg machines
Who should always sit next to each other
Miya Chudek Clementine Vazquez Reagam Krause and Amalya Janes
what is 1234+5678=
what does 2+2=
I'm feeling 22
Who did Clementine write about for her narrative biography
Tony Hawk
What is Amalya's favorite lunch video
Pikachu stuff
What is one of Miya's Nick names
anything is her nickname
what is 1x2x3=
what does 300+300=
Who did Leila write about for her narrative biography
King Tut
What is Reagan's favorite lunch video
Rube Goldberg machine
What is Reagan's Nick name
Re Re or carrot
What is 8x1/2=
what does 1+1=
a window
Who did Amalya write about for her narrative biography
Eric Carle
What have we been watching for the past few days for lunch
Baby shows