What is wrong in this sentence,
i am here
Find 2 mistakes.
There needs to be a capital "I" and a period ".'
I am here.
What is 2 x 3 ?
Name is this sign
Say My name is ( your name ) in french
J'mapple ( my name )
Name a random animal name.
Frog ( more than 1 correct answer )
What are 2 days in the week that are not " Tuesday" or Thursday".
Today and Tomorrow
Which one is the correct Answer 8 ? 18
A) =
B) >
C) <
B is correct
Name this sign
Say I am # years old ( your age )
Je (#) ans
Name 2 countries in North america ( not including Canada )
USA , Mexico ( more than 1 correct answer )
What is two words that are pronounced? the same but have a different meaning
What 108 + 108 ?
This sign is from which country?
What is "french" in french
What colors does the Google sign have.
Change the word "Hard" to a professional word.
Difficult ( there are more than 1 correct answer)
You have 7 talents & your friend had 4 & her/his friend has 3 talents & his/her friend has 2 talents . How much do you all have in total?
16 talents in all.
Name this sign
Say 4 random french words
Bounjour, la , le , ons etc ( there are more correct answers )
How old is Jimin from BTS?
26 years old.
When you write a letter what is the first thing you write ( hint at the top )
Dear ****** ( the persons name )
Name this fraction
four ninths
Say this sign 10 times fast ( Doesn't have to be out loud ( mic open )
Exclamation mark x10
What does the word " jour " mean?
Which YEAR was Canada found?
Bonus if you said July 1st!