what school year did we make the Alexander the great mosaic?
what is 2020/2021
how many fish tanks are in the class room
what is 3
what month did mr robbins get teacher of the month
what is February
what is the skeletons name in the class
what is stan
what is the title of the math books we use
what is go math
how many flags do we have in the class room?
what is 16
are cherry shrimp red
what is yes
what year was Mr robbins born
what is 1990
how many classes are in the school
what is 5
what is the colors of the 8th grade math book
what is green
what is the best flag in the class room
what is shake and bake
what type of shrimp are in the shrimp tank
cherry shrimp
what is the date mr robbins was born
what is may 17
what schools do we share a campus with
the YMCA and the north west prep
how many math books do all the students have combined
what is 23
what are two books we read in class this year
what is cathrine called birdy and robbin hood
what type of fish are in the shrimp tank
neon tetra
what is mr robbins middle name
what is mckinzie
what is the date and the day of the week did we water balloon mr robbins
what is Friday april 1
who is the creator of last years math book
what is holt mcdougal
how many art projects has the class done
what is 20
how many types of fish are in the class
what is 7
how many times has mr robbins been thrown off a horse
what is twice
how many computers does mr robbins have
what is 3
what is the brand of the math books we use
what is Houghton Mifflin Harcourt