578 divide by 8
When dividing fractions? What is the first step I need to do?
Put the numerator inside the house
Where is this ordered pair found (what quadrant)?
Quadrant I
What is 1/2 as a decimal
If 800 students in the school, and 20% play in the band, how many are in the band?
160 band players
If I have a variable (letter) next to a number....what operation are they using?
Where is this ordered pair found (what quadrant)?
Quadrant 4
What is 3/5 as a decimals
If there are 3 girls for every 5 boys, how many girls would there be if there were 15 boys?
What is a fraction reall?
A division problem
Where is this ordered pair found (what quadrant)?
Quadrant 2
what is .75 as a fraction
Tell me the operations for PEMDAS
Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition & Subtraction.
How do you convert a percent to a decimal?
You move the decimal two places to the left
What is a ratio? It is the same as a...
Compares two different subjects to one another
What is the fraction called that the numerator is bigger than the denominator?
improper fractions
Tell me what goes in the 4 boxes for percents
top left, part
top right percent
whole bottom left
bottom right
What does per mean
for one
up 5, left 7
What quadrant?
Quadrant 2
What is 50% as a fraction