What is 29 x 3
What is 87
Who was to sail the ocean blue
Who is Christopher Columbus
What keeps you alive
What is a heart
How do you write
What is a pencil
Which class has addition
What is math
What is 20 plus 300
What is 320
Who was the first president
Who was George Washington
What helps you write
What is a hand
How do you read
What are books
Which class has a lot of writing
What is writing class
What is 36 divided by 6
What is 6
How much was the Louisiana Purchase
What is 15 million dollars
What helps you walk
What are legs
How do you draw
Color pencils
What class do you draw
What is atr
48 x 21
what is 1,008
Who wanted a cypher in 1802
Who is Thomas Jefferson
What helps you think
What is a brain
How do you add
What is a brain
What class do you make chemicals
What is chemisty
What is 400 x 10
What is 4,000
Why did Hernan Cortez take Moctezuma as an prisoner
To steal gold
what helps you hear
What is a ear
How do you take away mistakes
What is a eraser
What class do you eat in
What is lunch