This insect is known for creating honey
what is a bee
I live in a pineapple under the sea
Who is Spongebob Squarepants
This character from the movie frozen is a snowman who likes warm hugs
This insect has a million legs
What is a millipede
Friends, not food
who are the Mcbuddies/what are the Mcbuddies
this popular social media app that originated in China is used for creating and sharing short videos
What is TikTok
This insect goes through a process called metamorphosis to become a butterfly
what is a butterfly
I have hands but cannot hold anything
what is a clock
Finish the lyrics: Stop don't talk to me
loser, lame-o, wannbe
The larvae stage of a darkling beetle
What is a superworm
I can be made, played or told
what is a joke
The names of the teenage mutant ninja turtles
Donatello, Raphael, Leonardo, Michaelangelo
These insects are known for their unique sound they make most noticeable during the summer
what is a cicada
am the beginning of the end and the end of every place, time, and space.
What is "e"/the letter E
The most watched video on YouTube
what is babyshark