One ICS school aim focused on the improvement of this instructional block focused on English Learners' language acquisition.
What is/are ELD Block(s)?
This approximate percentage is how many students met or exceeded the standard in both math and ELA achievement as evidenced by CAASPP testing last year.
What is 32-34%?
According to the table, this student group had the highest average growth level as defined by F&P testing.
Who are all student groups?
This curricular resource was piloted late last school year to help upper elementary teachers with their ELD instruction.
What is Academic Vocabulary Toolkit (AVT)?
Every PLC meeting must have this time-based tool/document to help coordinate the flow of work to be done.
What is an agenda?
The ICS school aim to improve English and math student outcomes employed this after school service free of charge to families last year.
What is after school tutoring?
Although English Learners, and students with socioeconomic disadvantages showed some growth in math and ELA last year, this student group showed stagnant or no growth in last years testing, despite a pattern of improvement over the prior 4 years.
Who are students with disabilities?
According to this F&P table, this percentage range is how many students grew from the beginning of the year to the end of the year.
What is 78 - 82% (range of 4%)?
This curricular resource will be implemented with high fidelity this school year to help teachers increase student outcomes in math.
What is Eureka Math?
These agreements should be created, revisited, and consistently referenced across PLC meetings.
What is the code of cooperation?
This three word descriptor, was not only the focus of one school aim designed to improve student culture and behavior, but is also a major component of Multi-Tiered Systems of Support.
What is social emotional learning?
These two grade levels, often informally clumped together, showed 23% growth in students on-level in reading, and 13% growth in students on-level in math, according to iReady.
Who are Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten?
According to this F&P table, this grade level had 94% of their students show growth in reading.
Who are 1st grade?
This curricular resource will continue to be a focal point in the social emotional learning of students at ICS.
What is Caring School Community?
From the Latin evidentia, this word means "obvious to the eye or mind", and must be used to support major PLC decisions.
What is evidence?
This room isn't just the new location of the staff lounge, but also home to the school aim data wall.
What is room 43 A?
While navigating an above average number of students with high need, split classes, and roster changes, these two primary grade levels boasted an average of 40% improvement of students on grade level for reading ,and an average of 33% improvement of students on grade level for math.
Who are 1st and 2nd grade?
According to this F&P table, the students who did show growth in this grade level exhibited an entire year's (1.0) worth of growth.
Who are 4th grade?
This three-word-name for standards based assessments created by SmarterBalacned, will be reviewed frequently by tested grade levels in their PLCs. Also known as IABs.
What are Interim Assessment Blocks?
These four questions must always drive the work of teachers in their PLCs as they pursue school aims.
What do our students need to learn?
How will we know they’ve learned it?
What is our planned response when they don’t learn it?
What is our planned response when they do learn it or already know it?