What do you do when you have a question? (2 things)
Stay in your seat and raise your hand quietly.
In the morning, what does it mean when you hear a wind chime?
It's time to come to the front of the room in a circle for morning meeting.
If you ask Mrs. Novak for extra recess, what will her response be?
What side of the hallway and stairs should you walk on?
The right side
What is our principal's name?
Mrs. Kusch-Marshall
When someone is speaking (think morning meeting), how do you show them respect?
You face them
How many people can use the bathroom at once?
2 boys and 2 girls
How do you show that you are ready to get your job card punched at the end of the day? (2 things)
You hold it up while sitting in your seat/
What should the voice levels in the hallway be?
Level 0
What room number are we in?
If you don't push your chair in before lining up, where is your new spot in line?
At the end of the line
If you come to class late, where does your slip go?
By our calendar in the holder
If you are caught using your Chromebook inappropriately once, what will your first consequence be? If you do the same thing again, what will your second consequence be?
-Lose your Chromebook for the day
-Lose your Chromebook for the week
What are our 3 school rules?
Be Safe
Be Respectful
Be Responsible
What are the names of all the 5th grade teachers? Hint: there are 3
Mrs. Novak
Mrs. Boyson
Mrs. Geissler
What should you not bring to snack? (2 things)
-Unhealthy foods (chips, candy, etc.)
-Anything with nuts
What do you do when you come into class in the morning? (3 things)
-Read the board
-Sharpen 2 pencils
-Clean your desk
What 2 things should you bring home with you every day after school?
Your planner
Your Homework Folder
When you come to school late, how will Miss Heidi in the office know you need to be let inside?
You will ring the bell outside her office.
When is Mrs. Novak's Birthday?
November 7th
What time are you allowed in the room in the morning and at what time are you tardy?
7:30 and 7:45
What sign do you show when you need to use the bathroom and what does yes and no look like?
Show me the signal
What does each finger on your hand represent when someone says "Show five".
1. Eyes on Speaker
2. Mouth Closed
3. Body Still
4. Ears Listening
5. Brain Focused / Hands Free
Name the different playground zones
Zone 1: Apparatus
Zone 2: Teeter Totters & Swings
Zone 3: Blacktop, hoops, picnic tables
Zone 4: Field
What was Mrs. Novak's maiden name?
Hint: You can still find some of these stickers on her old books
Ms. Sipe