What do you do when you want to talk in class?
raise your hand and stay muted until you are picked
What do you do when you get into class?
Make sure you are muted and your camera is on.
Make sure you can hear and see everyone.
How can you be respectful to yourself and your siblings during independent work time?
Work quietly and stay focused on your assignments.
When you come to school late (after 9:00 AM), what do you do?
1. Check my schedule so I know where I should be at the time I arrive.
2. Go to my next class or assignment.
What tabs should you have open every day?
-Google Meet
-Google Classroom
-Independent Notebook
How do you ask for help in class?
Raise your hand and say, "Can you please help me with..."
How can you be responsible during independent work time?
Complete at least one assignment during that time.
What are the three school rules?
be safe, respectful, and responsible
What could you do if someone is typing in the chatbox?
Ask them to stop
Ignore it
How can you show "being responsible" during a Google Meet session?
By following the rules and expectations, answering questions, trying my best, and completing my assignments.
When can I use the bathroom?
before class, during independent work time, lunch
Do not answer the door unless an adult is home with you.
Do not eat or drink when you are working on your Chromebook.
What should you do if you are feeling upset or angry?
Ask the teacher to take a quick break and come back ready to learn
When should you use the chatbox or emojis?
When the teacher gives me permission.
When should you eat during school time?
before school, during independent work time, or lunch
When do you get your materials for class?
Before school starts, make sure all of your supplies are next to you.
What should you do if you need help on an assignment during independent work time?
Ask a sibling or adult
Wait for your next group with your teacher to ask a question
How do you get new workbooks, pencils, or a Chromebook if you need them?
Ask your teacher
Have an adult call the school to make an appointment
What does a good working group look like?
They are sharing, helping, and encouraging others and getting your work or project done.
How can you show "being respectful" during a Google Meet session?
By listening to others, taking turns sharing, and using appropriate language and gestures.
What do you do when you are done a small group or independent work time?
Check your schedule and go to your next Google Meet or independent assignment.
What should you do during independent work time?
Complete my assignments!
When should you leave a Google Meet session?
After ALL of the directions have been given and you are dismissed by the teacher.
When should you mute the meeting?
After the teacher has given all of the directions and has given permission to mute the meeting?