What do you do when you want to talk in class?
You raise your hand quietly until you are picked.
What do you do when you get into class in the morning?
You order your lunch. Put your book bag in your locker. Read the board for the Morning Work Activity. Have your homework and Planner opened on your desk so that the teacher can check for your parents signature and any notes from them.
What do you do when you walk in the hallway to lunch, specials, office, etc.? What is the Voice Level?
You walk quietly and in a straight line. Voice Level 0.
When you come to school late, after 8:15, what do you do?
You need to go to the office to get a late slip. Then, enter the room quietly. The teacher will catch you up on what you have missed.
What Voice Level should be used when working with a partner?
Level 1 - Whisper Voice - "No Vibrations"
What do you do to help others be a better student?
You encourage others by saying positive things. No put downs!
How do you ask for help in class?
You quietly ask your partner. If you still can't get the answer you put up your Help Tent and try to work on something else until the teacher comes to help you.
When the whistle blows during recess what do you do?
You must line up quickly. Keeps hands to yourself in line. Get ready to enter the building silently.
How do you earn a Firebird Buck?
You can earn Firebird Bucks when you are Responsible, Respectful, and Safe. Put forth your best effort, complete assignments, stay caught up on Zearn and iReady, etc.
How many people is considered a group?
2 or more people.
How do students respect their and other students' properties?
You do not touch others materials or destroy them. Ask to use first before taking anything from someone else.
Carefully put your materials in your desk so that things don't rip or get wrinkled.
When can I use the bathroom?
Try to go before school, before a special, or during recess/lunch. If it is an emergency, please try to wait until independent work time. Do not abuse this privilege. (You will need to use the sign out sheet when you go.)
What should you do to make sure everyone feels welcome and included on th playground?
Look around the playground. Invite people to play who are alone.
When are the appropriate times to get out of your seat?
You are NOT allowed to get out of your seat while the teacher is talking. Raise your hand to ask permission to go to your locker, get a tissue, get a sharpened pencil, go to the restroom, etc.
Listen for directions as to when you can move from your seat.
What kind of noise will working in group sound like?
Level 2 - Students talking quietly but not disrupting others.
What kind of food and drink can students have in class?
Water Only to drink!
When can I sharpen my pencil?
Before school, during recess time or after school. You can also trade your pencil for another. Do not use the sharpener during class time.
What should your table look like at the end of lunch?
All trash should be cleaned up off of the floor and table.
What do you do with work not finished?
What do you do with items that need to go home?
Work not finished goes in your Classwork Folder.
Items to go home go in the Take Home Folder.
What does a good working group look and sound like?
They are sharing, helping, listening to, and encouraging others while getting their work or project done. All eyes are focused on the work to be done. They are using a level 2 whisper/inside Voice.
What will happen if you continue to be Irresponsible, Disrespectful, or Unsafe after a warning has been given?
You will need to stay in from recess to talk with your teacher about the choices you have made. You may need to complete a Making Better Choices Sheet and have it signed by your parents.
If the inappropriate behaviors continue, you may be sent to Mr. Smith for further consequences.
How do students line up? What is the Voice Level?
Push your chair in and line up quietly when called. Voice Level 0.
How should you behave in the cafeteria? What Voice Level should you use?
You should use a Level Two Voice Level. Inside Voice. You may talk to your friends, but need to eat quickly, as well.
When can you go out of the class?
You can't leave class unless your teacher sends you with a note or a hall pass. You will need to place the Bathroom/Hallway Passes on your desk.
What are the 4 C's of Group Work?
Communicate, Cooperate, Collaborate, Consensus