What do you do when you get in class?
You hang up backpack on your chair, get your materials ready, and read or work on morning activity.
Should you walk/run out the recess doors.
Where should 5th grade students play during recess?
The need to play in their assigned areas.
When can I use the bathroom?
Before school (after going to homeroom first), before/after recess when we go as a class. You must have a pass during independent work time.
What should you do with a ball in the hall?
Hold the ball and do not let it bounce on the floor or the walls.
How do you get a citation/referral?
By being disrespectful or repeating inappropriate behaviors, and not following rules. By fighting, harassing others, threatening others, and disobeying the teacher.
What do you think are good roles for each member?
Manager, Material person, Timer, Reporter, Recorder.
What do you do when your teacher signals it is time to go in (blow whistle, hand up in the air)?
You will walk quickly to your line and line up in order and be quiet, ready to enter the building.
What can I earn for positive things I do?
Dojo Points
How can you respect others? (Name at least 3)
By listening to them, taking turns sharing, and using appropriate language and gestures.
How should you behave in the hallways?
You should be quiet because it is a quiet zone.