What is the ONE classroom rule?
What do you do first when you get to class?
Sit down and follow any directions on the board.
When you come to school late, what do you do?
You need to go to the office to get a late slip.
Where should I keep my materials for class?
In my ELA folder
How do you follow the classroom rule of respect when completing an activity?
Putting in maximum effort.
How do you ask for help in class?
You quietly raise your hand.
How do I transition between classes?
Quietly, hands to myself, walk on the right side etc.
Where should your cell phone be at all times?
On silent in your backpack, purse or pocket.
How do you follow the classroom rule of respect when speaking to classmates and teachers?
By being polite.
When can I use the bathroom?
During our scheduled bathroom break
How do you get to sent to the Student Support Center?
By not following directions repeatedly, by disrespecting teachers and/or classmates
How do I leave class?
When everyone is seated and the teacher dismisses us.
How do you follow the classroom rule of respect when the teacher is actively teaching?
By being engaged.
What should I do if I'm absent?
Talk to the teacher before class starts to see what work needs to be made up.
What do I need on my face at all times?
A mask
Where do I sit in my classroom and/or in the cafeteria?
In my assigned seat
How can you follow the classroom rule of respect when working in a group?
By collaborating with your group.
How do I have fun in class?
How do I earn incentive points?
By completing work, following directions, respecting myself and my peers etc.