What do you do when you school starts?
You hang up backpack, move your lunch count magnet, and sharpen your pencils.
Are you allowed to go to the bathroom after you are already outside for recess?
No, you should go to the bathroom before you head outside to recess.
How should you act when you are in the hallway?
How do you get your group to work together?
By taking turns talking and sharing.
What do you do if you are stuck on a problem?
You show your work, try your best, then ask the teacher for help.
When the bell ring during recess what do you do?
You must quickly line up by the doors. Line up facing forward with your mouth quiet and your hands to yourself.
What should you do when it is time to clean up?
Quietly grab your backpacks and your snow stuff and bring them back into the classroom without talking
What should you do if your partner is not working well with you or is distracting you?
You can go to your desk and work by yourself
When can I use the bathroom?
Before school, during recess, and lunch recess.
(You can do during class when the teacher isn't talking)
What are you expected to wear when there is snow outside? (You must say all 4 things)
Coat, boots, gloves, and snow-pants (You could also wear a hat or scarf)
What happens if you refuse to work?
You will have to do your work during your own fun time (like recess or specials). Your parents will be contacted and you will receive a referral.
What happens if a teacher catches you not working hard or not getting along with a partner?
You will either have to work with the teacher or go back to your desk to work by yourself
When can I sharpen my pencil?
Before school, during break time or afterschool.
What are the rules for the playground? (must name at least 3 of them)
- No getting on top of monkey bars
- Don’t climb up slide
- No running on playground equipment
- No twisting or jumping off of the swings
How should you act in the lunchroom?
Quiet voices, keep your area clean, listen to teachers in lunchroom, keep your hands and feet to yourself
What is expected of you when you are in the bathroom? (Name at least 2)
-You are in the bathroom without talking
- You don't hang on the stall doors or sink
- You quietly wash your hands
-Pick up any mess you made
They should quietly push in their chairs, walk quietly to line with their hands in a plan.
Name 3 recess rules that don't involve the playground or swings?
- No tackling or pretend fighting
- No throwing wood chips or snow
- No food
- No electronics
- Make sure you aren't jumping off the wall
-KYHFAOOTYS: keep your hands feet and other objects to yourself.
- No picking up others
What do you do if you are feeling strong emotions and need to calm down?
Go to the calming corner.
What do you do in an assemble?
- You sit quietly where your teacher puts you and pay attention to the event.
- You sit on your pockets so others can see