What do you do when you are waiting to get in class?
Line up outside the classroom against the wall.
Who teaches Makerspace?
Mr. Nguyen
When you come to school late like after 8:00, what do you do?
You need to go to the office to get a late slip/check-in.
What does the S stand for in SOAR
When are you late to class?
When you arrive after the teacher has allowed students in from the hallway.
How do you ask for help in class?
You ask your partner and group. If you still can't get the answer raise your hand quietly and wait.
Name three programs we have used during Makerspace.
TinkerCAD, Keynote, Canva, Slides, Google Classroom, IncrediBox, Sphero
Where are you allowed to eat food?
Only in the cafeteria.
Why is advisory important to SOAR?
To learn and practice SOAR skills. Will also accept place to share feelings.
iPad, pencil pouch
When can I use the bathroom?
Before school, between classes, and during class with a pass.
How many people are at each table?
Where are you supposed to go when you arrive either on the bus or in carpool?
Name three areas we have specific SOAR expectations.
Classroom, Hallway, Bathroom, Cafeteria, Bus, Carpool
What kind of food can students have in class?
What are you supposed to do when another student or teacher is talking?
Track the speaker, remain quiet.
What are you supposed to do when you come into makerspace?
Find your seat, begin working on the Do Now, wait for instructions
How do you earn free seating at lunch? (Not in SOAR groups)
Getting 8 days of good behavior the last 2 weeks
What does the A in SOAR stand for?
Above and beyond
How can you respect others?
Be kind, talk to each other respectfully, let others talk, hands to yourself, respect people's personal space
How do students dismiss to the next class?
Bell signals class dismissal but students wait to be dismissed by teacher.
When are you allowed to get materials from the space next to the windows?
Never unless given direct permission
What's the fastest way to lose free seating?
Two bad days in a row.
What are 3 possible consequences for not following SOAR expectations?
Silent lunch, ISS, ELO