What do you do when you want to talk in class?
Raise you hand and wait quietly until teacher calls on you.
What should I do first when I walk into the classroom?
Smile at Mrs. Gutierrez and say hello :)
What should I do when Mrs. Gutierrez is teaching?
Look at her and pay attention
What happens if you are not following the classroom rules and Mrs. Gutierrez writes your name on the board?
You either have lunch detention or 10 minutes time out during Fun Friday.
What book do we use when we first get into class?
Daily Language Review
How do you ask for help in class?
You always raise your hand.
What do you do when Mrs. Gutierrez says, "Waterfall, waterfall?"
Say, "Shhhhhhhhh" and BE QUIET
What happens to the students who behave all week?
They get to play Fun Friday
What should you bring to this classroom?
pencil box, crayon box, pencil pouch, pencil bag
If my teacher is teaching the WHOLE class, how do I let her know I need to go to the potty?
Raise your hand and cross 2 fingers
On Friday, what should you put on the back table?
Fluency Booklets (Homework)
Whose responsibility is it to make the right decisions and follow rules.
When is it ok to eat in the classroom?
Breakfast and special parties (birthdays, Christmas)
If my teacher is working with a small group or just 1 student, what should I do if I need to go potty?
Check to see if the cone is available, if it is just place it on your desk, sign out, take a pass and go to the restroom.
What should you do if you see a bug in the classroom?
Don't let Mrs. Gutierrez know (she will scream) just take care of it on my own.
What happens if you break a rule and Mrs. Gutierrez moves your name?
You will have lunch detention plus NO Fun Friday and she will send a message to your parents.
Who is in charge of sharpening pencils?
Roselyn and Kerenia
How do students walk in the hallway?
What should I do if Mrs. Gutierrez is already talking to another student or a grown up?
Who is the fluffiest of them all?