What do you do when you get in class?
Stand behind your chair to line up for lunch
What do you when you walk to specials or lunch?
You walk quietly and in a straight line.
What time do you need to get to school to be considered on time?
Any time between 7:10 & 7:40
During independent work time what is the voice level?
What do you do before you come to class in the morning?
Get your breakfast!
What times can you go to the Mustang store?
How many people is considered a group?
2 or more people.
What do you do with your cell phone when you arrive at school?
Keep it in your backpack, Ms. Tanner's desk or Ms. Alessi's desk!
When can I use the bathroom?
Before school, during small group, before lunch.
What is the procedure for using the restroom?
When might you get a silent lunch?
You will be sent to it if you disrespect your teachers, others and are not following rules to think about what you have done wrong.
What does staying on task look and sound like?
Students working together and having discussions that are on topic.
What kind of food can students have in class?
When can I sharpen my pencil?
Whenever Ms. Tanner isn't teaching the whole class.
What is the new bus dismissal procedure?
Sit in the hallway and wait for your bus color to be called.
How do students get Mustang Money?
By following all of the Miles expectations.
How do students line up?
In line order in the back of the room.
What are the procedures in the cafeteria?
Enter quietly, sit at your house table, wait to be called to get your lunch and stay in your seat!!!!
When can you go out of the class?
You can't unless your teacher sends you with a note or a hall pass.
What kind of noise will working in group sound like?
Level 1 or 2 voice